This package renders a 'k-step' diagram of some viral quasispecies populations and how close/far they are from each other!
a 'k-step' diagram is defined as a graphical representation of the union of all minimum spanning trees over a given sequence set. Call this on a group of amplicon-sequenced quasispecies to make a picture to visually inspect how the clouds of quasispecies interact with one another
biopython networkx numpy pygraphviz
When configuring graphviz, you may find the following configure command useful:
./configure --enable-perl=no --enable-python27=yes --enable-java=no --enable-r=no --enable-ruby=no --enable-tcl=no --prefix ~/.local/
Input must be a valid FASTA file.
This program expects viral quasispecies populations (a pool of closely related mutants achieved through deep amplicon sequencing)
For each entry, your sequence ID should end with a number following the trailing underscore which denotes the frequency of that variant. For example, here we have a sequence ID with a bunch of extra information that will give the appropriate frequency of 25 for that variant
A sample file (test.fas) so you can run a test case! Here's how to invoke the script (assuming all files are in your current working directory)
python test.fas
The rest of the DVH bioinformatics team @ CDC