- get a domain,like xxx.com
- add xxx.com to cloudflare
- create workders on cloudflare Workers & Pages
- hit the Quick edit button copy work_sample.js to it
- modify the userID at line 7 of yours
- add the Custom Domains,add a subdomain of yours,like v2.xxx.com
- wait the process,and type the v2.xxx.com/your_uuid
- copy the vless line to your passwall
- get the node id, type
cat /etc/config/passwall
- edit the cf.sh,replace xxxx at line 23 of your node id
- get the CloudflareSpeedTest from CloudflareSpeedTest
# update tar
opkg update
opkg upgrade tar
# get the CloudflareSpeedTest
wget https://github.com/XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest/releases/download/v2.2.5/CloudflareST_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# unzip
tar -xzvf CloudflareST_linux_amd64.tar.gz CloudflareST
bash cf.sh
and wait...- use
wget https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256843155/movie_max.mp4 && rm -rf movie*
to test the true speed.. - add the task on your openwrt like
0 18 * * * bash /root/cf_start.sh > /dev/null