Example of Fan-in, Fan-out pattern
Build the tasks first (into a map or slice)
Example (Imperative approach)
func main () {
tasks := make ([]Task , 0 , 10 ) // define the work
results , err := ProcessTasksInParallel (context .Background (), tasks )
func ProcessTasksInParallel (ctx context.Context , tasks []Task ) ([]MyResult , error ) {
// -- To determine when to close channels
wg := & sync.WaitGroup {}
// -- For sending results & errors from processor goroutines
resultsCh := make (chan MyResult , len (tasks ))
errCh := make (chan error , len (tasks ))
// -- Ensure channels are eventually closed
defer func () {
// blocking, wait for all spawned goroutines to finish
// spawned goroutines are the senders of channels below
wg .Wait ()
close (errCh )
close (resultsCh )
// -- Helps cancel goroutines if we stop early
parallelCtx , cancel := context .WithCancel (ctx )
defer cancel ()
// -----------------------------------------
// -- Fan-out section
// -----------------------------------------
for _ , task := range tasks {
wg .Add (1 )
task := task // don't share reference with other goroutines
// -- Spawn a goroutine for each task
go func () {
defer wg .Done ()
result , err := processOneTask (parallelCtx , task )
if err == context .Canceled {
otzap .AddDebugEvent (span , "cancelled parallel goroutine" )
if err != nil {
otzap .AddErrorEvent (span , "failed to do the thing" , err )
errCh <- err
resultCh <- result
// -----------------------------------------
// -- Fan-in section
// -----------------------------------------
results := make ([]MyResult , 0 , len (tasks ))
for i := 0 ; i < len (tasks ); i ++ {
// -- wait for either error or result
select {
case result := <- resultsCh :
// -- collect the successful results
results = append (results , result )
case err := <- errCh :
// -- return early on first error
return nil , err
return results , nil
func processOneTask (
ctx context.Context ,
task Task )
(MyResult , error ){
ctx , span := otel .Tracer ("" ).Start (ctx , "doSomething.parallel" )
defer span .End ()
// -- Exit early when ctx cancelled
select {
case <- ctx .Done (): // blocking
return nil , ctx .Err ()
default : // prevents blocking on <-ctx.Done()
result , err := doSomething (ctx , task )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return result , nil
Example (Pipeline/Stream approach)
is useful when you don't know how many goroutines you will spawn
is useful for closing channel with multiple senders
Official docs