Automate configuration of fields in Angular-Formly
API documentation automatically generated by docmeteor.
File: "lib/client/formly-transformer.js" Where: {client}
AngularJS Service
Register transformer
This method register is defined in formlyTransformer
- transformer {function}
modification function (see formlyConfig.extras.fieldTransform)
Runs all registered transformers and returns the modified fields array.
You can use it manually and with custom arguments but it is being triggered automatically by angular-formly module
- fields {array}
see formlyConfig.extras.fieldTransform
- model {object}
see formlyConfig.extras.fieldTransform
- form {object}
see formlyConfig.extras.fieldTransform
- formOptions {object}
see formlyConfig.extras.fieldTransform
Returns {array}
Create Error object with prefixed message
This method createError is defined in formlyTransformer
- msg {string}
error message
Returns {Error}