All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.24 (2024-11-01)
- correct onChange logic (13181a7)
0.1.23 (2024-11-01)
- correct isInitialized timing (5db002d)
0.1.22 (2024-11-01)
- add isInitialized state in YjsEditor (7a11040)
- core: fix text distinguish error in plait draw (#36) (8824bb3)
- core: solve text convert error (#38) (35547ea)
- fix text render error in plait draw (#40) (7342017)
- utils: modify isSlateText value #WIK-13590 (#42) (712c348), closes #WIK-13590
0.1.21 (2023-10-13)
- utils: modify isSlateText value #WIK-13590 (#42) (712c348), closes #WIK-13590
0.1.20 (2023-09-26)
0.1.19 (2023-09-25)
0.1.18 (2023-09-25)
0.1.17 (2023-07-13)
- delay execution onChange #WIK-12573 (#34) (52f55f7), closes #WIK-12573
0.1.16 (2023-07-07)
- adjust changelog (4d27490)
- apply: return null when apply is not exit in slate operation #WIK-12562 (d03e0f9), closes #WIK-12562
*support typeScope and fix test error #WIK-12483 (857553e)
- optmize code (efeb75)
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- add is_undo (28c98d3)
- add try catch for yjs editor (ac9b4df)
- add undo plugin #Wik-4733 (f5c716c), closes #Wik-4733
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- error: handle error (1420814)
- yjs-editor: add is sync value option (#28) (db5af22)
- add undo and redo to withUndoManager #WIK-4733 (b1cf79d), closes #WIK-4733
- bind decorate to root node #WIK-4803 (fdf715e), closes #WIK-4803
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- correct typo (0670917)
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- fix cursor position #WIK-4778 (94beeca), closes #WIK-4778
- fix test error #WIK-4724 (2d0190f), closes #WIK-4724
- optmize code (3ad87b1)
- optmize code #WIK-4764 (ec2901a), closes #WIK-4764
- prevent applySlateOperations when isUndo (3129343)
- remove key when newProperties is null #WIK-4933 (ead4742), closes #WIK-4933
- remove normalizing when operation is remote #WIK-4764 (4bb8793), closes #WIK-4764
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- add is_undo (28c98d3)
- add try catch for yjs editor (ac9b4df)
- add undo plugin #Wik-4733 (f5c716c), closes #Wik-4733
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- error: handle error (1420814)
- yjs-editor: add is sync value option (#28) (db5af22)
- add undo and redo to withUndoManager #WIK-4733 (b1cf79d), closes #WIK-4733
- bind decorate to root node #WIK-4803 (fdf715e), closes #WIK-4803
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- fix cursor position #WIK-4778 (94beeca), closes #WIK-4778
- fix test error #WIK-4724 (2d0190f), closes #WIK-4724
- optmize code (3ad87b1)
- optmize code #WIK-4764 (ec2901a), closes #WIK-4764
- prevent applySlateOperations when isUndo (3129343)
- remove key when newProperties is null #WIK-4933 (ead4742), closes #WIK-4933
- remove normalizing when operation is remote #WIK-4764 (4bb8793), closes #WIK-4764
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- add is_undo (28c98d3)
- add try catch for yjs editor (ac9b4df)
- add undo plugin #Wik-4733 (f5c716c), closes #Wik-4733
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- error: handle error (1420814)
- add undo and redo to withUndoManager #WIK-4733 (b1cf79d), closes #WIK-4733
- bind decorate to root node #WIK-4803 (fdf715e), closes #WIK-4803
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- fix cursor position #WIK-4778 (94beeca), closes #WIK-4778
- fix test error #WIK-4724 (2d0190f), closes #WIK-4724
- optmize code (3ad87b1)
- optmize code #WIK-4764 (ec2901a), closes #WIK-4764
- prevent applySlateOperations when isUndo (3129343)
- remove key when newProperties is null #WIK-4933 (ead4742), closes #WIK-4933
- remove normalizing when operation is remote #WIK-4764 (4bb8793), closes #WIK-4764
0.1.11 (2021-09-27)( (2021-09-18)
- core: add module to package.json
0.1.10 (2021-09-18)
- core: fix: bind decorate to root node
- core: feat: add is_undo
- core: chore: remove unused code segment
- core: feat: add try catch for yjs editor
- core: fix: prevent applySlateOperations when isUndo
- core: feat(error): handle error
- core: : fix undo manage cursor position #WIK-4778
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- add undo plugin #Wik-4733 (f5c716c), closes #Wik-4733
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- add undo and redo to withUndoManager #WIK-4733 (b1cf79d), closes #WIK-4733
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- fix test error #WIK-4724 (2d0190f), closes #WIK-4724
- optmize code (3ad87b1)
- optmize code #WIK-4764 (ec2901a), closes #WIK-4764
- remove normalizing when operation is remote #WIK-4764 (4bb8793), closes #WIK-4764
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- add undo plugin #Wik-4733 (f5c716c), closes #Wik-4733
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- add undo and redo to withUndoManager #WIK-4733 (b1cf79d), closes #WIK-4733
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- fix test error #WIK-4724 (2d0190f), closes #WIK-4724
- optmize code (3ad87b1)
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- core: fix the undo operation does not take effect remotely #WIK-4555 (dd31260), closes #WIK-4555
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)
- cursor: fix wrong path (#11) (a02df8b)
- add getFirstText (fe68979)
- core: use toJSON to initialize data #WIK-4535 (4485ecc), closes #WIK-4535
- cursor: fix absolutePositionToRelativePosition error (fe47657)