#imbh #dwarf-galaxy
Orbital and Radiative Properties of Wandering Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the ASTRID Simulation
- use the cosmological simulation [ASTRID](https://astrid-portal. psc.edu/) to study the orbital and radiative properties of wandering IMBHs in massive galaxies at
$z\sim$ 3. - Their typical spectral energy distribution peaks in the infrared at
$\sim$ 11 $\mu$m rest frame. - These findings suggest that HLXs are a small subset of the general wandering IMBH population.
#ulx #X-ray #accretion #binary
Winds in ultraluminous X-ray sources: new challenges
- ULX winds to study:
- how much and how fast can matter be accreted by compact objects?
- how strong is their feedback onto the surrounding medium?
- An intimate connection between the wind and the source state is suggested, potentially unveiling the detailed accretion and variability mechanism.
- larger statistical sample of ULX winds?
- limited by the variability timescales that are too short to be sampled with the current instruments.
#type-2 #agn #variability #ztf
The Type 1 and Type 2 AGN dichotomy according to their ZTF optical variability
- 不同光变特征区分obscured(Type2 AGNs), unobscured(Type 1s).
- ZTF 2.5 年光变曲线,$\sim$ 15000 AGNs (SDSS DR16)中匹配缺少宽发射线的type2.
- weak-type1比type2的光变大了一个数量级,drw 和 sf 可以有效区分weak-type1和type2.
- 11%的type2有光线光变
A Black Hole Kicked At Birth: MAXI J1305-704
- the low-mass X-ray binary MAXI J1305-704.
- We find that if MAXI J1305-704 formed via isolated binary evolution in the thick Galactic disk, then its black hole received a natal kick of at least 70 km/s with 95% confidence.
#changing-look #variability #ngc5273
- IR, optical, UV and X-ray data from 2000 to 2022.
- changing-look event occurred between 2011 and 2014, type 1.8/1.9 to type 1.
- In 2022, again a type 1.
#obscured #X-ray #agn
The demographics of obscured AGN from X-ray spectroscopy guided by multiwavelength information
- sets new constraints on the demographics of this population.
#changing-look #agn #swift/bat #bass
BASS XXXIX: Swift-BAT AGN with changing-look optical spectra
- 21 AGN from BASS are now known to display CL behaviour.
- We derive a CL rate of 0.7-6.2 per cent on 10-25 year time-scales, and show that many transitions happen within at most a few years.
#changing-look #reveiw
Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei
#agn #dwarf-galaxy #quenching
AGN quenching in simulated dwarf galaxies
- within the Romulus25 cosmological hydrodynamic simulation.
- Our results indicate the possibility of substantial star formation suppression via MBH feedback within dwarf galaxies in the field.
#quasar #star-formation-rate
Is the star formation rate in z ∼ 6 quasars overestimated?
- We test the validity of this assumption by combining cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with radiative transfer calculations.
- suggesting that AGN effectively heat the bulk of dust in the host galaxy.
- We find that the SFR is overestimated by a factor of
$\sim$ 3 for AGN bolometric luminosities of$L_\rm{bol}=10^{12}L_\odot$ .
#interesting #variability #X-ray #uv #correlation #agn
Explaining the moderate UV/X-ray correlation in AGN
- 考虑X-ray源的几何变化(高度变化),UV/X-ray的低相关性是照射模型可以预期的。
#sed #bolometric-correction
- ![[Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 7.07.39 PM.png]]
#emission-lines #optical
A New Physical Picture for AGNs Lacking Optical Emission Lines
- 500 低红移 X-ray AGN,XMM-Newton 和 SDSS 观测
- optically dull AGN,缺失光学发射线的type 2 AGN, 通常处于$L_[\rm{OIII}]-\it{L}_\rm{X}$分布的尾巴
#telescope #euclid
- 暗能量/引力,引力透镜和星系团
- wide imaging and sepctroscopy 巡天,光学和近红外波段,覆盖
$\sim$ 15000 deg$^2$,大约6年,1.2m镜子 - ![[Screen Shot 2022-11-18 at 2.49.54 PM.png]]
#image #method #reveiw #code
Statistical Inference for Coadded Astronomical Images
- We present a principled Bayesian approach for performing light source parameter inference with coadded astronomical images.
- code: BLISS
#ngc4593 #reverberation-mapping #time-lag
- 更短的采样时间,XMM-Newton,PN X-ray和OM UV(UVW1,2910A)+Swift X-ray,UV/optical的准同时监测。
- UVW1滞后X-ray 29.5ks,为之前结果的一半,黑洞质量为$7.63\times10^6M_\odot$
- 支持照射模型,来自BLR和Pashchen的连续谱污染主导。
#blr #reverberation-mapping #agn
- rarefied BLRs (with low gas densities).
- BLR的密度影响RM
#soft-xray #X-ray #agn #interesting
Association of Optical, Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray excess Emissions in AGNs
- 1181个AGNs样本(SDSS),包括Balmer线,光学连续谱,MgII线和UV连续谱,研究和软X-ray光度的关系。
- 线性回归分析,FWHM(MgII)$\propto$FWHM$^{0.554}$(H$\beta$),UV辐射起源于宽线的外部,和Hbeta辐射有关,$L_{\rm{MgII}}\propto L_{\rm{H\beta}}^{0.82}$。