####Table of Contents
Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
The xldeploy module enables you to install and manage large XL Deploy enabled infrastructures.
XL Deploy is a kick-ass modular platform independant software deployment system. This module enables you to tie this deployment software into your puppet environment. It can take care of installing XL Deploy servers as well as integrate middleware components elsewhere in your infrastructure.
- installation/service/configuration files for XL Deploy
- listened-to ports
- backend storage filesystem/database
- xldeploy housekeeping
- xldeploy repository configuration items
- xldeploy repository roles/permissions
- xldeploy repository dictionaries
- xldeploy cli installation
- installs compatible java version (optional)
- This module makes use of exported resources (optional) if you descide to use this functionallity please configure this in your puppet.conf file on the master.
- This module makes use of the puppetdbquery module to distribute sshkeys across the infrastructure (optional). This functionality depends on puppetdb.
Basic usage when installing a xldeploy server
For a more comprehensive setup in wich a supported java version is installed and a xldeploy license file is included try the example below.
install_java => true,
install_license => true,
install_type => 'download',
download_user => 'foobar',
download_password => 'notapassword',
download_proxy_url => 'http://some:[email protected]:8080'
To install the command line interface (cli) software bundled with xldeploy use the seperate xldeploy::cli class like discribed below.
install_java => true,
install_type => 'netinstall',
download_user => 'foobar',
download_password => 'notapassword',
download_proxy_url => 'http://some:[email protected]:8080'
From a potential xldeploy client machine using the module to register a ci in with the xldeploy server.
all in one go:
http_context_root => '/', # set '/' if you've not changed the XL Deploy context else set its value here
http_server_address => 'xldeploy.local.domain',
http_port => '4516',
rest_user => 'admin',
rest_password => 'dummy',
ssl => false,
cis => { 'project_folder' => { name => "/Infrastructure/projectx",
type => 'core.Directory',
'host' => { name => "/Infrastructure/projectx/${hostname}_sshHost",
type => 'overthere.SshHost',
properties => { 'os' => 'UNIX',
'port' => '22',
'username' => 'deployit',
'tags' => 'projectx',
'connectionType' => 'SCP',
'address' => $hostname }
the above example uses the builtin create_resources construct to create the ci's specified in the array one by one. This construct is especially handy when used in conjunction with automatic data bindings from a Hiera backend.
Users are also able to create ci's using the module's types and providers (setting 'use_exported_resources' to 'true'):
xldeploy_ci{ 'Infrastructure/projectx':
ensure => present,
type => 'core.Directory',
rest_url => 'http://admin:[email protected]:4516/xldeploy' }
xldeploy_ci{ "Infrastructure/projectx/${hostname}_sshHost":
ensure => present,
type => 'overthere.SshHost',
properties => { 'os' => 'UNIX',
'port' => '22',
'username' => 'deployit',
'tags' => 'projectx',
'connectionType' => 'SCP',
'address' => $hostname },
rest_url => 'http://admin:[email protected]:4516/xldeploy' }
Both class parameters and types and providers are available for defining memberships,users, roles, dictionary_settings and role_permissions wich work in the same way as the above specified method for defining a ci.
running with custom file sources
In some cases you may want to override the default urls provided by the module to download the various components used in the installation. For both installation sources and licenses you can specify either a http or a puppetfiles url. When specifying a puppetfiles url , the module will get the sources from puppet file serving. Please take notice of the fact that zip files need to be supplied in order for the installation to work.
install_java => true,
install_license => true,
custom_license_source => 'puppet:///<some_file_location>/deployit-license.lic',
custom_download_server_url => 'puppet:///<some_puppetfile_location/some_xldeploy_server.zip',
custom_download_cli_url => 'puppet:///<some_puppetfile_location/some_xldeploy_cli.zip',
specifies the version of xldeploy to install
version numbers below 4.0 will install deployit
specifies the base dir under wich xldeploy will be installed.
default: /opt
Tells puppet to initialize the xldeploy repository upon first installation
default: true
Tells puppet wich temporary directory to use during installation. This directory will be used for downloading the installation packages
default: /var/tmp
Specifies the default user for xldeploy to be installed under
this user will be created by puppet
default: pre_4 : deployit
post_4 : xldeploy
Specifies the group xldeploy will be installed under
This group will be created by pupept
default: pre_4 : deployit
post_4 : xldeploy
Tells puppet to use automagic to create and distribute an ssh key to all client systems for secure ssh communication
default : false
the http address to bind the xldeploy server to
default: (xldeploy will listen on all interfaces)
the http port on wich xldeploy will listen for incoming traffic
default: 4516
the http context root xldeploy will use for incoming web traffic(both gui and rest interface)
default: /deployit
the ipadress to contact the xldeploy server on (this is used in combination with the ci creation construct)
defaults to the fqdn of the current host
the admin password to be used for xldeploy
default: admin
the relative path to put the jcr_repository
default: repository
the relative path to the importable packages directory
default: importablePackages
the type of installation to use. Possible values: puppetfiles, download
default: download
when install_type is set to puppetfiles this parameter should contain the path to the xldeploy tar.gz packages
default: undef
a valid xldeploy download acount user
default: undef
a valid xldeploy download account user password
default: undef
optional proxy url (should contain user and password if needed)
we've included this because we hate modules that download stuff for you and then completely forget that most company's do not allow direct internet access from the production network
use exported resources to import the various exported ci and other resources to the xldeploy service
default: false
export a locally generated public key of a ssh key pair that can be used to import on client nodes to setup secure communication
default: false
generate a key on the xl-deploy server at the first puppet run there and distribute that to the clients when they do a puppet run.
default: true
set the java home that will be used
default: RedHat => '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64'
Debian => '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64'
indicate if this module should take care of the java installation (version 1.7.0)
default: true
indicate if the xl-deploy license should be installed
default: true
indicate if we want to switch rudimentary housekeeping on
default: true
set the minute housekeeping should run (cron style type deal)
default: 5
set the hour housekeeping should run (cron style type deal)
default: 2 (which makes 2am)
set the month housekeeping should run (cron again)
default: undef
set the monthday housekeeping should run (cron agian)
default: undef
set the weekday housekeeping should run (cron ftw)
default: undef
set the authentication providers that xldeploy should use (see xldeploy documentation)
default: {'rememberMeAuthenticationProvider' => 'com.xebialabs.deployit.security.authentication.RememberMeAuthenticationProvider',
'jcrAuthenticationProvider' => 'com.xebialabs.deployit.security.authentication.JcrAuthenticationProvider'}
set the id of the ldap server to use (see xldeploy docu)
default: undef
set the url of the ldap server to use (see xldeploy docu)
default: undef
set the sever_root of the ldap server to use (see xldeploy docs)
default: undef
set the manager_dn for the ldap server (see xldeploy docs and your friendly local neighbourhood ldap admin)
default: undef
set the ldap_manager password
default: undef
specify an ldap search filter (used to speed up ldap searches)
default: undef
specify the ldap search_base (again to speed things up or limit the search )
default: undef
set the ldap_group_search filter
default: undef
set the ldap group search base
default: undef
specify the ldap role_prefix
default: undef
######repository_type = $xldeploy::params::repository_type,
######datastore_driver = $xldeploy::params::datastore_driver,
######datastore_url = $xldeploy::params::datastore_url,
######datastore_user = $xldeploy::params::datastore_user,
######datastore_password = $xldeploy::params::datastore_password,
######datastore_databasetype = $xldeploy::params::datastore_databasetype,
######datastore_schema = $xldeploy::params::datastore_schema,
######datastore_persistencemanagerclass = $xldeploy::params::datastore_persistencemanagerclass,
######datastore_jdbc_driver_url = $xldeploy::params::datastore_jdbc_driver_url,
######gem_use_local = $xldeploy::params::gem_use_local,
######gem_hash = $xldeploy::params::gem_hash,
######gem_array = $xldeploy::params::gem_array,
######disable_firewall = $xldeploy::params::disable_firewall,
######custom_productname = undef,
######custom_download_server_url = undef,
######custom_download_cli_url = undef,
specify a custom license source to be used to install the license from
this can either be an http url or a puppetfile url (see puppet documentation)
default: undef
######server_plugins = { }
Example: server_plugins = { 'tomcat-plugin' => {'version' => '4.5.0', 'distribution' => true}, 'command2-plugin' => {'version' => '3.9.1-1', 'distribution' => false} }
######cis = { } ,
######memberships = { } ,
######users = { } ,
######roles = { } ,
######dictionary_settings = { } ,
######role_permissions = { } ,
######xldeploy_default_settings = { }
######os_user = $xldeploy::params::os_user, ######os_group = $xldeploy::params::os_group, ######os_user_home = $xldeploy::params::os_user_home, ######os_user_manage = $xldeploy::params::os_iser_manage, ######http_bind_address = $xldeploy::params::http_bind_address, ######http_port = $xldeploy::params::http_port, ######http_context_root = $xldeploy::params::http_context_root, ######http_server_address = $xldeploy::params::http_server_address, ######ssl = $xldeploy::params::ssl, ######verifySsl = $xldeploy::params::verifySsl, ######rest_user = $xldeploy::params::rest_user, ######rest_password = $xldeploy::params::rest_password, ######client_sudo = $xldeploy::params::client_sudo, ######client_user_password = $xldeploy::params::client_user_password, ######client_user_password_salt = $xldeploy::params::client_user_password_salt, ######use_exported_resources = $xldeploy::params::use_exported_resources, ######use_exported_keys = $xldeploy::params::use_exported_keys, ######client_propagate_key = $xldeploy::params::client_propagate_key, ######gem_use_local = $xldeploy::params::gem_use_local, ######gem_hash = $xldeploy::params::gem_hash, ######gem_array = $xldeploy::params::gem_array, ######cis = { } , ######memberships = { } , ######users = { } , ######roles = { } , ######dictionary_settings = { } , ######role_permissions = { } ,