A no code development platform is a tool for building software applications without coding;
a popular and promising alternative to traditional software development for non-technical business users hoping to build their own full-fledged applications.
- 能够演进适应变化 ··· how to build and evolve software systems against changing requirements and constraints that span years and decades. ···
- engineer的指责就是知道如何根据需求演进系统 ··· how to change software systems. Change is the name of the game. ···
- buil tools to make it easier to change code and remain stable
- operate large software teams
- 抽象:封装出独立(isolate)的部分,从而在不影响 code base 中其他部分的情况下进行变更
- 不适合大型开发项目 ··· Traditional software has learned the abstractions and patterns that make software resilient and adaptable to change and scale. No-code software is not ready for changing constraints nor development scale. ···
- 暂时的,有限生命周期的项目 ··· by giving up some of the adaptability of software abstractions of code, no-code software benefits from way faster prototyping speed. ···
- 代码频繁变化,但是不需要演进
- no code并不是让engineer写更少的代码,code更简单
- no code关注的焦点不是在变化中保证软件的课伸缩性
- 写代码不是寻求解决方案,而是演进他们
- nocode应该叫reifying workflows
- 是为了减少重复工作,并加快工作效率 ··· no-code 工具是流程、工作流工具的扩展 ···
··· complexity needs to go somewhere ···