All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- ADDED: Thumbnail support in iCal/.ics import
- ADDED: Clear Import history button
- ADDED: Event source link field in create/edit event
- FIXED: Facebook Location issue
- IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.8
- ADDED: Optional Plugin deactivation Feedback
- ADDED: Event slug change facility
- ADDED: Eventbrite ticket option (popup & embed)
- ADDED: Online event meta for eventbrite
- FIXED: Google map iframe embed error.
- FIXED: Some translation strings
- FIXED: Some Typos
- FIXED: Event Espresso warning error
- FIXED: Empty Location error
- IMPROVEMENTS: Made load over https
- IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.7
- ADDED: Support for time format to display in front-end
- ADDED: Support for not import trashed events
- FIXED: jQuery error
- ADDED: some filters in generate centralize array functions
- ADDED: Direct link to Event source support
- ADDED: Support for import organiser for ical/ics imports
- ADDED: Accent Color Option
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated Facebook API version to v7.0
- IMPROVEMENT: Help/Support Page Design
- FIXED: AIOEC TimeZone issue
- FIXED: Eventbrite full description for few events not importing issue
- FIXED: Event get removed before time issue
- FIXED: CSS class related error
- FIXED: Some Typos
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements in facebook Events.
- FIXED: Ical import issue with aioec.
- ADDED: Background import support.
- ADDED: Advanced Synchronization for Facebook event, Meetup events & Eventbrite.
- ADDED: Option for Meetup OAuth 2.0 Authorization.
- ADDED: Import History popup for display all imported events.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- FIXED: featured image import issue occurred for some events.
- ADDED: Support for WP 5.0
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Gutenberg Block for WP Events.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Facebook Authorization, so import by facebook event ID possible now (event need to marked as interested or going is mandatory)
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Import by FacebookPage now working after Facebook's API restriction and Some other Improvements
- ADDED: Support for Events Manager 5.9.1
- ADDED: Element for Visual Composer ( WPBackery Page Builder)
- ADDED: Template Overrides from Theme
- ADDED: Merged Pro & Free codebase, Introduced Pro as an add-on
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support for recurring facebook events.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Event Espresso 4 support. (Pro)
- ADDED: Support for don't update status & category durring autoupdate. (Pro)
- FIXED: bug in 'Upcoming Events widget"
- FIXED: bug related to allday events in aioec.
- FIXED: shortcode pagination bug on homepage.
- FIXED: bug in advanced syncronization.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support for import events from Facebook group. (Pro)
- ADDED: Now user can import facebook events which are accesible from user’s profile (Pro)
- ADDED: Facebook Authorization option for import facebook group events (Pro)
- ADDED: User can edit scheduled import now. (Pro)
- FIXED: jQuery UI css conflict with DIVI theme
- FIXED: Ical parser issues.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Option for delete data on plugin uninstall
- ADDED: Option for disable inbuilt event managent (WP Events).
- ADDED: Past Events display by add ‘past_events="yes"‘ into shortcode.
- ADDED: ‘col’ attribute into shortcode for number of column layout setup.
- ADDED: New iCal parse library to prevent various issues.
- ADDED: more options in shortcode full shortcode is now like. [wp_events col="2" posts_per_page="12" category="cat1,cat2" past_events="yes" order="desc" orderby="post_title" start_date="2017-12-25" end_date="2018-12-25" ]
- ADDED: Event Type 2 multi select for EventON(Pro).
- ADDED: Multiple event IDs are now insertable at once in Eventbrite import(Pro).
- ADDED: Upcoming Events widget(Pro).
- ADDED: import into Eventum (Tevolution-Events) support(Pro).
- IMPROVEMENTS: In event archive and single event details page.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Make Date multilingual.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Schduled import section has now more information(Pro).
- IMPROVEMENTS: City, State and Country fields mapping to new version of EventON.
- FIXED: jQuery UI css conflict some plugin
- FIXED: TimeZone issue in “All in one Event Calendar” sometime imports wrong eventtime
- FIXED: Ical parser issue for multiday events.
- FIXED: Fixed Image download issue happen on some servers.
- FIXED: some bug fixes
- Version bumed to 1.2.4 for make is same as Pro version.
- Fixes: some bug fixes
- FIXED: some bug fixes in events manage.
- Fixes: some bug fixes
- Added: in-built event management system.
- Added: import into Events Manager
- Added: Import into My Calendar
- Added: Import into eventON
- Added: import into All-in-One Event Calendar
- Added: import into Event Organizer
- Added: Import history
- Improvements in scheduled imports
- Fixes: some bug fixes
- Initial Version.