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Pipelined RISC-V Processor

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About The Project

The projects builds up a datapath and constructs a simple version of a processor sufficient to implement most of RISC-V32I instructions. The project is inspired by the textbook Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/software Interface" by David A Patterson and John L. Hennessy.

Note This project is still under development and is not yet ready for deployment, but feel free to fork it and use it for your own purposes!

Technical Details

Supported subset of the core RISC-V32I instruction set:

Subset of RISCV32I Instructions


  • For our subset, the 7-bit opcode field is enough to decode the instruction except for RFormat instructions (ADD, SUB, AND, OR) which all have the same value (0110011) for that field. For R-Format instructions, the actual operation is determined by the funct3 and funct7 fields (only bit 30 from the funct7 field is needed).
  • The least significant 2 bits of the 7-bit opcode field are always 11 and as such can be excluded from any decoding circuit inputs.
  • If the datapath is implemented without any ports, we will not be able to verify that it is actually executing instructions, so we need to add a monitoring mechanism allowing us to peek inside the processor and check some of the values on the wire. In order to do so we will define the following 2 output ports:
    1. A 16-bit output port connected to the 16 LEDs on the Nexys A7 board. Based on a 2-bit led selection input port (e.g., ledSel) connected to 2 of the Nexys A7 input switches, these LEDs will be used to view either:

      • The instruction currently being executed. These are 32 bits, so we will split them in half. When ledSel = 00, output Instruction[15:0] and when ledSel = 01, output Instruction [31:16].
      • A concatenation of all the control signals (including ALUOp, ALU selection lines, the zero flag, and the output of the branching AND gate). These are exactly 14 bits (the most significant 2 bits of the 16-bit output will always be zero). This concatenation of signals should be outputted when ledSel = 10;
    2. A 13-bit output port connected to one of the two 4-digits seven segment displays (SSD) on the Nexys A7 board. Based on a 4-bit SSD selection input port (e.g., ssdSel) connected to 4 of the Nexys A7 input switches, the SSD will be used to view either:

      • The PC output (when ssdSel = 0000)
      • The PC+4 adder output (when ssdSel = 0001)
      • The branch target adder output (when ssdSel = 0010)
      • The PC input (when ssdSel = 0011)
      • The data read from the register file based on RS1 (when ssdSel = 0100)
      • The data read from the register file based on RS2 (when ssdSel = 0101)
      • The data provided as an input to the register file (when ssdSel = 0110)
      • The immediate generator output (when ssdSel = 0111)
      • The shift left 1 output (when ssdSel = 1000)
      • The output of the ALU 2nd source multiplexer (when ssdSel = 1001)
      • The output of the ALU (when ssdSel = 1010)
      • The memory output (when ssdSel = 1011)

Note that all the above values are 32-bit values; however, we will only be displaying the least significant 13-bits of each which is enough for this project’s purposes.

Components of the Design

Non-memory Components

  • N_bit_register

    • module N_bit_register #(parameter N = 32)(
      input load,
      input clk,
      input rst,
      input [N-1:0] D,
      output [N-1:0] Q
    • Function: To be used in Program Counter and Register File
  • ImmGen

    • module ImmGen (output reg [31:0] gen_out,
                 input [31:0] inst);
    • Function: Generate the appropriate immediate value for instruction based on the opcode
  • N_bit_ALU

    • module N_bit_ALU #(parameter N = 32)( //refactor later to delete some wires
      input [N-1:0] A,
      input [N-1:0] B,
      input [3:0] sel,
      output reg [N-1:0] ALU_output,
      output ZeroFlag,
      output NegativeFlag,
      output OverflowFlag,
      output CarryFlag
    • Function: Executes arithmatic operations, although selection lines allow up to 16 different arithmetic and logic oepration.
  • Register_file

    • module Register_file(
      input clk,
      input rst,
      input [4:0] read_reg_1_indx,
      input [4:0] read_reg_2_indx,
      input [4:0] write_reg_indx,
      input [31:0] write_data,
      input reg_write, // if 1, write_data into write_reg_indx
      output [31:0] read_reg_1_data,
      output [31:0] read_reg_2_data
  • control_unit

    • module control_unit(
      input [4:0] Inst_6_2, //represet instruction[6:2]
      output reg [1:0] Branch,
      output reg MemRead,
      output reg MemtoReg,
      output reg [3:0] ALUOp,
      output reg MemWrite,
      output reg ALUsrc,
      output reg RegWrite
    • Function: Create a module representing the control unit. The control unit is a combinational circuit with the following truth table (enough to support to the 7 instructions we are interested in)
    • truth table to be added soon.
  • ALU_control_unit

    • module ALU_control_unit(
      input [1:0] ALUOp,
      input [2:0] funct3, //instruction[14:12]
      input bit_30,
      output reg [3:0] ALU_selection
    • ALU control unit using the following truth table
    • truth table to be added soon.
  • n_bit_2_x_1_MUX

    • module n_bit_2_x_1_MUX #(N = 4)(//TODO potential error
      input [N-1:0] a,
      input [N-1:0] b,
      input s,
      output [N-1:0] o
  • branch_control

    • module branch_control(
      input [1:0] branchOp, 
      input [2:0] funct3, 
      input zf, 
      input cf, 
      input sf, 
      input vf, 
      output reg [1:0] PCSrc);
    • Function: Determines the source of PC whether (PC + 4, branch address target, ALU_output). Uses PCSrc as selection line for a 4x1MUX.

Memory Components

  • InstMem
    • module InstMem (input [5:0] addr, output [31:0] data_out); 
    • Function: a word addressable instruction memory with a maximum capacity of 64 words (256 bytes) with 6 address bits; however, since the PC contains the byte address of the instruction to be executed, we must divide it by 4 (discard the least significant 2 bits) before connecting it to the read address input of the instruction memory to convert it to a word address.
  • DataMem
    • module DataMem(
      input clk, 
      input MemRead, 
      input MemWrite,
      input [5:0] addr, 
      input [31:0] data_in, 
      output reg [31:0] data_out);
    • Function: For similar reasons to the instruction memory, we will implement a word addressable data memory with a maximum capacity of 64 words (256 bytes) with 6 address bits. Similarly, since the ALU computes the byte address of the data item to be loaded or stored, we must divide it by 4 (discard the least significant 2 bits) before connecting it to the address input of the data memory to convert it to a word address
  • BCD
    • module BCD ( 
      input [12:0] num, 
      output reg [3:0] Thousands,
      output reg [3:0] Hundreds, 
      output reg [3:0] Tens, 
      output reg [3:0] Ones 
    • Function: Binary to Decimal conversion.
  • Four_Digit_Seven_Segment_Driver_Optimized
    • module Four_Digit_Seven_Segment_Driver_Optimized(
      input clk,
      input [12:0] num, 
      output reg [3:0] Anode, 
      output reg [6:0] LED_out
    • Function: Driver for the seven segment display in the Nexys A7-100T
    • module RISCV_SSD_Top(
      input clk_push_button,
      input rst,
      input ssd_clk,
      input [1:0] ledSel,
      input [3:0] ssdSel,
      output [3:0] Anode,
      output [15:0] LEDs,
      output [6:0] LED_out
    • Function: top-level module instantiating both the RISC-V module and the SSD driver module to connect them together.

Building the Project

  1. Download Single Cycle Implementation of RISC-V.srcs Folder.
  2. Open Vivado.
  3. Create New Project.
  4. Add Single Cycle Implementation of RISC-V.srcs Folder to the project through Add directory button.

Tech Stack

The project utilizes the following technologies:

Verilog Vivado 2018.2 Nexys A7-100T