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Processing WildCam Lab Data

WildCam Labs (e.g. WildCam Gorongosa Lab and WildCam Darien Lab) has a map explorer system that requires an external map database, and that database requires a bunch of setup to work properly. This guide explains how to do that.

For use with WildCam Lab (maps module) and the Zooniverse-hosted map database

Prepared by @shaunanoordin 2018.07.24

Updated 2021.03.23 to remove old database ( references


For a WildCam-type "Map Explorer" component to work, we need the following things:

  1. a map explorer system - our modular React components that we can customise for each Program.
  2. a map layer service - provides the visuals for our geographic map. (We use Leaflet)
  3. a map data service - what we query when we want the data in 4-7.
  4. Camera data - shows us where the camera traps are on the geomap.
  5. Subjects data - shows us individual photos from camera traps.
  6. Aggregations data - tells us what's in each photo.
  7. Supplementary map data - defines park boundaries, vegetation maps, etc.

Item 1 is what we build (that's easy) and Item 2 and 3 are just external dependencies we need to set up.

The tricky part is in getting Items 4 to 7 - the actual data or content - properly formatted for our educational map. There's usually no one consistent format that works across different systems, so for example, the Subjects data we get from Panoptes/Zooniverse needs to be processed before it can go into the map data service.

Converting Map Data (Cameras, Park Boundaries, etc)

Frequently Encountered Issue 1

Problem: You have geographical map data (e.g. the boundaries a national park, camera trap locations) in files that aren't supported by the map database.

Analysis: Most likely, your geographical map data was produced by some sort of mapping software (producing files likes .SHP) while the map database requires the data to be in a familiar web format (e.g. GeoJSON)

Solution: Convert .SHP files to .GEOJSON files using a program like QGIS. There's usually an "Export Data" or (in the case of QGIS, right-click on the data layer and click) "Save As" function.

Frequently Encountered Issue 2

Problem: After exporting the map data as a .GEOJSON, you don't see markers where they're supposed to be. OR, you see the markers, but they're in wildly incorrect locations (e.g. camera traps in Gorongosa National Park are appearing the the Arctic Ocean).

Analysis: The map data you received might be using a coordinate system that's different from the one used by your map database.

Solution: During the export process, double check the coordinate system being used. If it's not the same as the target map database, you'll need to find the option in the export process to change the coordinate system.

Processing Zooniverse Data

Getting Aggregations Data

Without a table of Aggregations, we have no idea whether a specific Subject has any animals in them. Here's how we get Aggregations:

  1. Download the latest Classification and Workflow data from the Zooniverse project page. (Here's an example data export page for WildCam Darien)
  2. Note the Workflow id (e.g. 3033) and version (e.g. 579.9)
  3. Download Coleman's Aggregations for Caesar repo and set it up. (See the Readme on that project.)

We'll run Coleman's Aggregations code to turn Classification + Workflow data into Aggregations data. (Refer to the project's Readme for full instructions.)

  1. Run the extractor, e.g. --version 579 --output WILDCAM_EXTRACTED ./darien-classifications.csv ./darien-workflows.csv 3033
  2. Run the reducer, e.g. --output WILDCAM_REDUCED ./WILDCAM_EXTRACTED.csv
  3. Now, you should have a file called WILDCAM_REDUCED.csv which contains all your Aggregations.

NOTE: at this point, you might also want to rename certain columns in the aggregations CSV. This is because Coleman's aggregated data may refer to certain columns under a generic name (e.g. data.choice) while the WildCam Lab expects something like species. These name changes can be done manually, either in the CSV file or in the map database.

A few more small notes:

  • You only need the major number of the the workflow version.
  • The workflow version number is important because different workflows produce different classification values in different formats.
  • Keep an eye out for how the aggregator produces the filenames; in practice, I think you might actually get a prefix attached to WILDCAM_EXTRACTED.csv and WILDCAM_REDUCED.csv

Massaging Subjects Data

The Subjects data we get from Panoptes/Zooniverse isn't well suited to be plonked directly into a queryable database, mostly because the important map-specific information (e.g. which camera this Subject photo was taken, the URL of the Subject photo, etc) are all buried in the metadata.

We can 'massage' the raw Subject CSV exports from Panoptes/Zooniverse into a form that the map database can use, but good luck! The script you use needs to be customised for each Program/Project.

  1. Look in the ./tools folder and pick a script template, either (Python) or process-darien-subjects.js (JavaScript, Node)
  2. Let's say you picked the the Wildwatch Kenya one. Make a copy of it called
  3. Modify so it extracts project-specific information out of your project's Subjects. e.g. in the Kenya example, you'll note that we extract the "camera_name", "year", and "month" from the metadata field.
  4. AT MINIMUM, each Subject needs to have some sort of Camera ID that you can extract, and one image file URL.
  5. Run the script, e.g. python3 myproject-subjects-export.csv processed-subjects.csv

WARNING: be aware that the raw Subject CSV exports has one entry PER Subject ID PER associated Workflow PER associated Subject Set. This matters because every new Classroom Assignment created will have a Subject with a new associated Workflow/Subject Set; if we don't filter the raw Subject CSV exports for only the ORIGINAL project's workflow, we'll have a lot of duplicates.

Adding Data to the Map Database

See for more details.

But basically, the gist of it is:

  1. Put your aggregations.csv, cameras.csv, subjects.csv, and etc into a /myproject folder.
  2. Zip that folder into
  3. Plonk that zip file into classroom-maps-api/data
  4. Modify classroom-maps-api's Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml so that its Datasette system recognises your myproject database
  5. docker-compose build, docker-compose up, and you're done. You've just added a myproject database with the tables aggregations, cameras, subjects.

More Caveats

  • When importing a new set of data (usually in the form of a CSV) into the map database, make sure the new data has the correct columns/field names.
    • For example, we've had situations where the existing camera data had a field for vegetation_type, but the new data called it veg_type. This is often non-standard actions done by human processes. Remember to manually fix this (often by using a standard spreadsheet program, or just hacking the CSV) when such an incompatibility is detected.
  • Similarly, when importing, be sure to review the field values.
    • Sometimes, the new data might introduce inconsistencies - e.g. the old data might have values like TGR but the new data uses values like tiger to indicate the same thing. This needs to be manually standardised.
    • Sometimes, the new data might purposely introduce new values in a set of previously known values, e.g. adding a new species. When this happens, the Map Explorer component needs to be appropriately updated to reflect the new data range.
  • After importing, make sure the updated data has the correct column/field types.
    • When new data is imported in the map database, the database often uses the best guess for what each field type should be. Sometimes this isn't always correct, e.g. subject_id might need to be a string instead of an integer.