We build a tool to crack the dormant BTC address 1Feex...6uF by using Ethereum technology. We also fund any research or any project on building a tool to crack dormant BTC address 1FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJrcCrHGW9sb6uF.
Dormant BTC address 1Feex...6uF contain 79,957.2040859 BTC. When we find the private key, all founded BTC will be distributed to all DORMANT holder. The DORMANT token (bassed on Ethereum) will be swapped to the founded-BTC with ratio 1:1
Smart Contract Address: 0x1890374e2C95aB816df2f554f1656978Af63a583
Uniswap Exchange: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1890374e2C95aB816df2f554f1656978Af63a583
You can buy, sell, and trade DORMANT on uniswap. It's very young and experimental. Use at your own risk! DYOR!