An Arduino-based Remote Control car project.
Car: Schematic and Source Code
Transmitter: Schematic and Source Code
Schematics prepared with Fritzing
- Become more familiar with the Arduino environment and Syntax.
- Learn how to use:
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
- nRF24L01+ Radio Communication module
- L298N Motor Driver
- Wii Nunchuk + Adapter
- Arduino UNO® board
- Arduino MEGA® board
- Use all of the above collectively to build and program a remote-controlled “smart” Arduino-powered car, that should be able to stop when an obstacle is detected.
Transmitter (Remote)
- Arduino MEGA® Board
- nRF24L01+ Radio Module
- Wiichuk adapter
- Wii Nunchuk
Receiver (Car)
- Arduino UNO® Board
- nRF24L01+ Radio Module
- L298N Motor Driver
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (HC-SR04)
- Old RC Car Chassis
- Included one DC motor for steering and one DC motor for rear-wheel drive
- Also included a 4xAA battery holder for power supply
Jumper wires (m->m, m->f)
- Preparation
- Disconnected existing PCB from the old RC car
- Cleaned Chassis
- Kept any necessary old power cables and motor wires
- Initial Testing
- Distance sensor with Arduino
- Radio Modules
- Motor Driver with car motors
- Nunchuk with wiichuk adapter
- Sending nunchuk readings through radio
- Receiving nunchuk readings and moving motors
- Prototyping
- Affixed Arduino board and motor driver to chassis
- Attached 9V power supply to chassis Arduino
- Programming
- Forward/Reverse functions
- Steering functions
- Distance sensor active obstacle detection function
- Speed mapping functions
- Obstacle detection during inertial movement
- Final Assembly
- Secured all components to chassis
- Connected all components with jumper wires
- Enforced consistent grounding
- Tested final product
- Accidentally fried one of the nRF24L01+ modules due to the ground lead touching the 5V lead on the Arduino barrel socket.
- Lack of intial debugging which lead to a full code rewrite.