This is a language made by your's truly at 1:03 am on a Tuesday before I had to go to work later in the morning. The script is very simple. Every keyword represents a bit, and every line of dongle will be made up of 8 keywords. Or rather, every line of dongle will be a byte, and every byte gets printed to the console as an ASCII character. There are only 2 keywords: Dongle = 1, Dingle = 0. There are no spaces between the words. So yes, it's also case sensitive, as the capitol "D" is the only delimiter.
To use the interpreter, you'll have to compile the apply named "dungle.cpp" yourself, keeping in mind that this wasn't meant to be useable.
With this language you'll be able to write a bunch of different things to your console, and that's about it. I'm not even trying to be Turing anything. This is actively spitting in the face of Turing. "Hello World" in this language is disgusting, it is literally 10 lines long.
I put a license on this code, because why wouldn't I? So please just don't steal it without crediting me, though I REALLY do not know who would actually try to steal something this awful and stupid. However, if you did, I would really just want to know why.