Patcher64+ Tool v13.2.0 (2021-04-08)
- Added new texture alternatives for the Hylian Shield
- Added "Weapon Hitbox" options for OoT and MM
- Added "Red Ice" option for MM
- Added "No Blue Bubble Respawn" option for MM
- Added additional item options for the D-Pad (Redux only) for MM
- Added slider support for GUI elements
- Added Floating Point to Hexadecimal conversion (and vice versa)
- Added warning when trying to patch a ROM not part of the selected console mode (free patching in Wii VC mode can now abort if stuck)
- Added support for setting a Dropdown menu index by name rather than index number
- Cleaned up several language patches for OoT & MM
- Updated Masked Quest (MM) to v4.3.0 (thanks Garo-Mastah!)
- Changed Use Modern Visual Style" as the default option
- Fixed several patches not being applied due to failing checks
- Fixed several issues with "Inject ROM", "Extract ROM Only", "Patch VC Emulator Only" and "Free Game Selection"
- Fixed "Patch VC Emulator Only" being visible when it shouldn't
- Rewrote tunic colors options for OoT to be selected from available files instead of hardcoded
- Rewrote patching in colors and Redux content for MM (which is now searched dynamicially within the ROM rather than fixed offsets)
- Rewrote "Recolor Mask Forms" options into individual dropdown menus for Deku Link, Goron Link and Zora Link for MM (with new colors for Deku Link)
- Rewrote file paths to patches
- Refactored most binary and texture file names