As a person who often finds themself scribbling down tasks several times throughout the day, I wanted to create my own application that would allow me to easily jot down tasks and make quick to do lists.
The current running status of this application limits it to a C++ project generated by openFrameworks. My app makes use of openFrameworks libraries as well as ofxTextInputField, an external library that enables simple creation and interaction with text fields on a screen.
This project mirrors the C++ code style set forth by Google's style guide. In terms of design patterns, my app was built in an object oriented way, with regards to the screen, lists, and tasks interacting with each other.
- Xcode for macOS
- openFrameworks and openFrameworks Project Generator Libraries
- Libraries in openFrameworks
- ofxTextInputField by Flightphase
- To run this library with this project, the shiftMap for the backslash needs to be changed to a '?' so that question marks can be detected as well
- isCommand needs to be set to false at start up, or else C/c and V/v will not be detected when typed