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The recent threat of COVID-19 has put everything on hold.While we want to do our best with social disatncing and quarantining at our home groceries is a basic need we all have.Regarding this situation we thought of building a project using which we can order grocieries while staying at home.The website is equipped with all types of fuctionalities needed such as Login/Sign up registraion and Checkout procedures.Contributions are most welcome.

You can see this application live at

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Make sure that you have node.js pre-installed on your PC. If not you can install it from here.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running:

  1. Clone this Github repository on your local env or PC.
  2. Open terminal and cd to the folder where app.js is located.
  3. Run node app.js.
  4. The developement server will open in the browser with localhost:3000.
  5. Now you can see and interact with the project.


If you wish to deploy this project on heroku dont make any installion changes you will need a requirements.txt, packahe.json file all are available in this repository.Best Wishes😃😃😃.


Built With

  • node.js - The web backend used.
  • Heroku - Cloud Plateform for Deployment.
