The recent threat of COVID-19 has put everything on hold.While we want to do our best with social disatncing and quarantining at our home groceries is a basic need we all have.Regarding this situation we thought of building a project using which we can order grocieries while staying at home.The website is equipped with all types of fuctionalities needed such as Login/Sign up registraion and Checkout procedures.Contributions are most welcome.
You can see this application live at
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Make sure that you have node.js pre-installed on your PC. If not you can install it from here.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running:
- Clone this Github repository on your local env or PC.
- Open terminal and cd to the folder where app.js is located.
- Run node app.js.
- The developement server will open in the browser with localhost:3000.
- Now you can see and interact with the project.
If you wish to deploy this project on heroku dont make any installion changes you will need a requirements.txt, packahe.json file all are available in this repository.Best Wishes😃😃😃.