Use instead!
A Bash script to check weather condition via terminal created by Carsten Brueggenolte.
Current Version: 1.40_2021-05-22
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd bash-script-wttr
$ bash
The wttr
script comes with some parameters explained below
The following arguments are available:
# get weather report for a city
wttr cologne
wttr "Den Haag, Netherlands"
# get another, different weather report display
wttr -v2 cologne
wttr -v2 "Den Haag, Netherlands"
# install curl which is necessary for script to run correctly
wttr -i
# set a city as your default city.
# without a second argument, wttr will ask you for input
wttr -sdef
# set Den Haag as default city
wttr -sdef "Den Haag, Netherlands"
# see a photo of the Moon
wttr -m
# uninstall and remove the wttr script
wttr -rm
# show the script version
wttr -v
# show the help screen
wttr -h
This program is licensed under the MIT license
goes to Amirreza Firoozi for the initial script and some other people he also mentioned in his code: Jadi , Alireza Amirsamimi & Mostafa Asadi.