An experiment writing a Game Boy emulator in TypeScript
Try the latest build here:
Parcel is used for building, in development simply run:
yarn start
This will start the dev server at http://localhost:1234
To build a production build run:
yarn build
- Basic instruction processing
- Basic rendering
- OAM DMA transfers
- Interrupt handling
- Joypad input
- Timer clock
- Divider clock
- Basic Tone Audio channels (1 & 2) - frequency only
- Sprite flags
- Proper palette implementation
- Sprite flip
- Sprite rendering priority
- Sound
- Channel 1 - Tone & Sweep
- Channel 2 - Tone
- Channel 3 - Wave Output
- Channel 4 - Noise Output
- Configurable input for joypad
- Clock adjustment based on FPS (clock is tied to framerate)
- Handle STOP/HALT
- Cartridge type parsing (0x0147)
- ROM bank switching
- Scanline based rendering
- VRAM DMA transfers
The following are the main reference material used during development:
- Game Boy Development Community:
- Pan Docs:
- Instructions:
- RGBDS Opcode references:
- Gameboy Development Wiki (
- Game Boy CPU Manual: