is a dependency-free pragmatic thin Scala wrapper around Java NIO.
- Instantiation
- Simple I/O
- Streams and Codecs
- Java compatibility
- Globbing
- File system operations
- File attributes
- File comparison
- Zip/Unzip
- Automatic Resource Management
- [Scanner] (#scanner)
- File Monitoring
- Reactive File Watcher
In your build.sbt
, add this:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pathikrit" %% "better-files" % version
To use the Akka based file monitor, also add this:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.pathikrit" %% "better-files-akka" % version,
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.4.16"
Although this library is currently only actively developed for Scala 2.12, you can find reasonably recent versions of this library for Scala 2.10 and 2.11 here.
The following are all equivalent:
import better.files._
import{File => JFile}
val f = File("/User/johndoe/Documents") // using constructor
val f1: File = file"/User/johndoe/Documents" // using string interpolator
val f2: File = "/User/johndoe/Documents".toFile // convert a string path to a file
val f3: File = new JFile("/User/johndoe/Documents").toScala // convert a Java file to Scala
val f4: File = root/"User"/"johndoe"/"Documents" // using root helper to start from root
val f5: File = `~` / "Documents" // also equivalent to `home / "Documents"`
val f6: File = "/User"/"johndoe"/"Documents" // using file separator DSL
val f7: File = home/"Documents"/"presentations"/`..` // Use `..` to navigate up to parent
Resources in the classpath can be accessed using resource interpolator e.g. resource"production.config"
Note: Rename the import if you think the usage of the class File
may confuse your teammates:
import better.files.{File => ScalaFile, _}
I personally prefer renaming the Java crap instead:
import better.files._
import{File => JFile}
Dead simple I/O:
val file = root/"tmp"/"test.txt"
assert(file.contentAsString == "hello\nworld")
If you are someone who likes symbols, then the above code can also be written as:
file < "hello" // same as file.overwrite("hello")
file << "world" // same as file.appendLines("world")
assert(file! == "hello\nworld")
Or even, right-associatively:
"hello" `>:` file
"world" >>: file
val bytes: Array[Byte] = file.loadBytes
.appendLines("My name is", "Inigo Montoya")
Various ways to slurp a file without loading the contents into memory:
val bytes : Iterator[Byte] = file.bytes
val chars : Iterator[Char] = file.chars
val lines : Iterator[String] = file.lines
val source : = file.newBufferedSource // needs to be closed, unlike the above APIs which auto closes when iterator ends
Note: The above APIs can be traversed at most once e.g. file.bytes
is a Iterator[Byte]
which only allows TraversableOnce
To traverse it multiple times without creating a new iterator instance, convert it into some other collection e.g. file.bytes.toStream
You can write an Iterator[Byte]
or an Iterator[String]
back to a file:
You can supply your own codec too for anything that does a read/write (it assumes
if you don't provide one):
val content: String = file.contentAsString // default codec
// custom codec:
file.write("hello world")(codec = "US-ASCII")
You can always access the Java I/O classes:
val file: File = tmp / "hello.txt"
val javaFile : = file.toJava
val uri : = file.uri
val reader : = file.newBufferedReader
val outputstream : = file.newOutputStream
val writer : = file.newBufferedWriter
val inputstream : = file.newInputStream
val path : java.nio.file.Path = file.path
val fs : java.nio.file.FileSystem = file.fileSystem
val channel : = file.newFileChannel
val ram : = file.newRandomAccess
val fr : = file.newFileReader
val fw : = file.newFileWriter(append = true)
val printer : = file.newPrintWriter
The library also adds some useful implicits to above classes e.g.:
file1.reader > file2.writer // pipes a reader to a writer > file2.out // pipes an inputstream to an outputstream
src.pipeTo(sink) // if you don't like symbols
val bytes : Iterator[Byte] = inputstream.bytes
val bis : BufferedInputStream = inputstream.buffered
val bos : BufferedOutputStream = outputstream.buffered
val reader : InputStreamReader = inputstream.reader
val writer : OutputStreamWriter = outputstream.writer
val printer : PrintWriter = outputstream.printWriter
val br : BufferedReader = reader.buffered
val bw : BufferedWriter = writer.buffered
val mm : MappedByteBuffer = fileChannel.toMappedByteBuffer
multiple outputstreams:
val s3 = s1.tee(s2)
s3.printWriter.println(s"Hello world") // gets written to both s1 and s2
No need to port this to Scala:
val dir = "src"/"test"
val matches: Iterator[File] = dir.glob("**/*.{java,scala}")
// above code is equivalent to:
dir.listRecursively.filter(f => f.extension == Some(".java") || f.extension == Some(".scala"))
You can even use more advanced regex syntax instead of glob syntax:
val matches = dir.glob("^\\w*$")(syntax = File.PathMatcherSyntax.regex)
For custom cases:
dir.collectChildren(_.isSymbolicLink) // collect all symlinks in a directory
For simpler cases, you can always use dir.list
or dir.walk(maxDepth: Int)
Utilities to ls
, cp
, rm
, mv
, ln
, md5
, diff
, touch
, cat
file.delete() // unlike the Java API, also works on directories as expected (deletes children recursively)
file.clear() // If directory, deletes all children; if file clears contents
file.renameTo(newName: String)
file.copyTo(destination) // unlike the default API, also works on directories (copies recursively)
file.linkTo(destination) // ln file destination
file.symbolicLinkTo(destination) // ln -s file destination
file.{checksum, md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, digest} // also works for directories
file.setOwner(user: String) // chown user file
file.setGroup(group: String) // chgrp group file
Seq(file1, file2) `>:` file3 // same as cat file1 file2 > file3
Seq(file1, file2) >>: file3 // same as cat file1 file2 >> file3
file.isReadLocked / file.isWriteLocked / file.isLocked
File.newTemporaryDirectory() / File.newTemporaryFile() // create temp dir/file
File.numberOfOpenFileDescriptors // number of open file descriptors
All the above can also be expressed using methods reminiscent of the command line:
import better.files_, Cmds._ // must import Cmds._ to bring in these utils
pwd / cwd // current dir
cp(file1, file2)
mv(file1, file2)
rm(file) /*or*/ del(file)
ls(file) /*or*/ dir(file)
ln(file1, file2) // hard link
ln_s(file1, file2) // soft link
cat(file1) >>: file
mkdirs(file) // mkdir -p
chown(owner, file)
chgrp(owner, file)
chmod_+(permission, files) // add permission
chmod_-(permission, files) // remove permission
md5(file) / sha1(file) / sha256(file) / sha512(file)
Query various file attributes e.g.: // simpler than
file.lastModifiedTime // returns JSR-310 time
file.owner /
file.isDirectory / file.isSymbolicLink / file.isRegularFile
file.hide() / file.unhide()
file.isOwnerExecutable / file.isGroupReadable // etc. see file.permissions
file.size // for a directory, computes the directory size
file.posixAttributes / file.dosAttributes // see file.attributes
file.isEmpty // true if file has no content (or no children if directory) or does not exist
file.isParentOf / file.isChildOf / file.isSiblingOf / file.siblings
file("dos:system") = true // set custom meta-data for file (similar to Files.setAttribute)
All the above APIs let you specify the LinkOption
either directly:
Or using the File.LinkOptions
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission
file.addPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE) // chmod +X file
file.removePermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE) // chmod -w file
assert(file.permissionsAsString == "rw-r--r--")
// The following are all equivalent:
assert(file.permissions contains PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE)
Use ==
to check for path-based equality and ===
for content-based equality:
file1 == file2 // equivalent to `file1.isSamePathAs(file2)`
file1 === file2 // equivalent to `file1.isSameContentAs(file2)` (works for regular-files and directories)
file1 != file2 // equivalent to `!file1.isSamePathAs(file2)`
file1 =!= file2 // equivalent to `!file1.isSameContentAs(file2)`
There are also various Ordering[File]
instances included, e.g.:
val files = myDir.list.toSeq
You don't have to lookup on StackOverflow "How to zip/unzip in Java/Scala?":
// Unzipping:
val zipFile: File = file"path/to/"
val research: File = zipFile.unzipTo(destination = home/"Documents"/"research")
// Zipping:
val zipFile: File = directory.zipTo(destination = home/"Desktop"/"")
// Zipping/Unzipping to temporary files/directories:
val someTempZipFile: File =
val someTempDir: File = zipFile.unzip()
assert(directory === someTempDir)
// Gzip handling:
Auto-close Java closeables:
for {
in <- file1.newInputStream.autoClosed
out <- file2.newOutputStream.autoClosed
} in.pipeTo(out)
// The input and output streams are auto-closed once out of scope
provides convenient managed versions of all the Java closeables e.g. instead of writing:
for {
reader <- file.newBufferedReader.autoClosed
} foo(reader)
You can write:
for {
reader <- file.bufferedReader // returns ManagedResource[BufferedReader]
} foo(reader)
// or simply:
Or use a utility to convert any closeable to an iterator:
val eof = -1
val bytes: Iterator[Byte] = inputStream.autoClosedIterator( != eof).map(_.toByte)
Note: The autoClosedIterator
only closes the resource when hasNext
i.e. (_ != eof)
returns false.
If you only partially use the iterator e.g. .take(5)
, it may leave the resource open. In those cases, use the managed autoClosed
version instead.
Although java.util.Scanner
has a feature-rich API, it only allows parsing primitives.
It is also notoriously slow since it uses regexes and does un-Scala things like returns nulls and throws exceptions.
provides a faster, richer, safer, more idiomatic and compossible Scala replacement
that does not use regexes, allows peeking, accessing line numbers, returns Option
s whenever possible and lets the user mixin custom parsers:
val data = t1 << s"""
| Hello World
| 1 true 2 3
val scanner: Scanner = data.newScanner()
assert([String] == "Hello")
assert(scanner.lineNumber == 1)
assert([String] == "World")
assert([(Int, Boolean)] == (1, true))
assert(scanner.tillEndOfLine() == " 2 3")
If you are simply interested in tokens, you can use file.tokens()
Writing your own custom scanners:
sealed trait Animal
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal
implicit val animalParser: Scannable[Animal] = Scannable {scanner =>
val name =[String]
if (name == "Garfield") Cat(name) else Dog(name)
val scanner = file.newScanner()
The shapeless-scanner module lets you scan HList
s e.g.:
val in = Scanner("""
12 Bob True
13 Mary False
26 Rick True
import shapeless._
type Row = Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil
val out = Seq.fill(3)([Row])
assert(out == Seq(
12 :: "Bob" :: true :: HNil,
13 :: "Mary" :: false :: HNil,
26 :: "Rick" :: true :: HNil
Vanilla Java watchers:
import java.nio.file.{StandardWatchEventKinds => EventType}
val service: java.nio.file.WatchService = myDir.newWatchService
myDir.register(service, events = Seq(EventType.ENTRY_CREATE, EventType.ENTRY_DELETE))
The above APIs are cumbersome to use (involves a lot of type-casting and null-checking), are based on a blocking polling-based model, does not easily allow recursive watching of directories and nor does it easily allow watching regular files without writing a lot of Java boilerplate.
abstracts all the above ugliness behind a simple interface:
val watcher = new ThreadBackedFileMonitor(myDir, recursive = true) {
override def onCreate(file: File) = println(s"$file got created")
override def onModify(file: File) = println(s"$file got modified")
override def onDelete(file: File) = println(s"$file got deleted")
Sometimes, instead of overwriting each of the 3 methods above, it is more convenient to override the dispatcher itself:
import java.nio.file.{Path, StandardWatchEventKinds => EventType, WatchEvent}
val watcher = new ThreadBackedFileMonitor(myDir, recursive = true) {
override def dispatch(eventType: WatchEvent.Kind[Path], file: File) = eventType match {
case EventType.ENTRY_CREATE => println(s"$file got created")
case EventType.ENTRY_MODIFY => println(s"$file got modified")
case EventType.ENTRY_DELETE => println(s"$file got deleted")
also provides a powerful yet concise reactive file watcher
based on Akka actors that supports dynamic dispatches:
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import better.files._, FileWatcher._
implicit val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val watcher: ActorRef = (home/"Downloads").newWatcher(recursive = true)
// register partial function for an event
watcher ! on(EventType.ENTRY_DELETE) {
case file if file.isDirectory => println(s"$file got deleted")
// watch for multiple events
watcher ! when(events = EventType.ENTRY_CREATE, EventType.ENTRY_MODIFY) {
case (EventType.ENTRY_CREATE, file) => println(s"$file got created")
case (EventType.ENTRY_MODIFY, file) => println(s"$file got modified")