Version 1
Usable in DTDL version 3
The QuantitativeTypes extension provides a set of standard semantic types that can be applied to CommandRequests, CommandResponses, Fields, MapValues, Properties, and Telemetries.
If a service supports the QuantitativeTypes extension, and if the QuantitativeTypes context is specified, the service recognizes and understands the semantic types, unit types, and units itemized below, as well as the unit
property on each of the semantic types.
The context specifier for version 1 of the QuantitativeTypes extension is "dtmi:dtdl:extension:quantitativeTypes;1".
The semantic types itemized below can co-type a CommandRequest, a CommandResponse, a Field, a MapValue, a Property, or a Telemetry in DTDL version 3.
When a CommandRequest, CommandResponse, Field, MapValue, Property, or Telemetry is co-typed with one of these semantic types, the value of the unit
property must be an instance of the corresponding unit type, and the value of the schema
property must be a numeric type.
Note that although most semantic types have matching unit types, there is not a strict one-to-one correspondence between semantic types and unit types.
For example, Humidity
is expressed using DensityUnit
, and Luminosity
is expressed using PowerUnit
The chart below itemizes semantic types, corresponding unit types, and available units for each unit type.
Note: The
semantic type should not be confused with theduration
schema type. Theduration
schema is in ISO 8601 format; it is intended for calendar durations; and it does not play well with SI units. The semantic unit forTimeSpan
, which gives temporal semantics to a numeric schema type.
Semantic type | Unit type | Unit |
Acceleration |
AccelerationUnit |
centimetrePerSecondSquared gForce metrePerSecondSquared |
Angle |
AngleUnit |
degreeOfArc minuteOfArc radian secondOfArc turn |
AngularAcceleration |
AngularAccelerationUnit |
radianPerSecondSquared |
AngularVelocity |
AngularVelocityUnit |
degreePerSecond radianPerSecond revolutionPerMinute revolutionPerSecond |
ApparentEnergy |
ApparentEnergyUnit |
gigavoltAmpereHour kilovoltAmpereHour megavoltAmpereHour voltAmpereHour |
ApparentPower |
ApparentPowerUnit |
gigavoltAmpere kilovoltAmpere megavoltAmpere millivoltAmpere voltAmpere |
Area |
AreaUnit |
acre hectare squareCentimetre squareFoot squareInch squareKilometre squareMetre squareMillimetre |
Capacitance |
CapacitanceUnit |
farad microfarad millifarad nanofarad picofarad |
Concentration |
Unitless |
partsPerBillion partsPerMillion partsPerQuadrillion partsPerTrillion percent unity |
Current |
CurrentUnit |
ampere kiloampere microampere milliampere |
DataRate |
DataRateUnit |
bitPerSecond bytePerSecond exbibitPerSecond exbibytePerSecond gibibitPerSecond gibibytePerSecond kibibitPerSecond kibibytePerSecond mebibitPerSecond mebibytePerSecond tebibitPerSecond tebibytePerSecond yobibitPerSecond yobibytePerSecond zebibitPerSecond zebibytePerSecond |
DataSize |
DataSizeUnit |
bit byte exbibit exbibyte gibibit gibibyte kibibit kibibyte mebibit mebibyte tebibit tebibyte yobibit yobibyte zebibit zebibyte |
Density |
DensityUnit |
gramPerCubicMetre kilogramPerCubicMetre microgramPerCubicMetre milligramPerCubicMetre |
Distance |
LengthUnit |
astronomicalUnit centimetre foot inch kilometre metre micrometre mile millimetre nanometre nauticalMile |
ElectricCharge |
ChargeUnit |
ampereHour coulomb milliampereHour |
Energy |
EnergyUnit |
britishThermalUnit electronvolt gigajoule gigawattHour joule kiloBritishThermalUnit kilojoule kilowattHour megaelectronvolt megajoule megawattHour milliwattHour terawattHour wattHour |
EnergyRate |
PowerUnit |
britishThermalUnitPerHour gigajoulePerHour gigawatt horsepower joulePerHour joulePerSecond kiloBritishThermalUnitPerHour kilojoulePerHour kilojoulePerSecond kilowatt kilowattHourPerYear megajoulePerHour megawatt microwatt milliwatt tonOfRefrigeration watt |
Force |
ForceUnit |
newton ounce pound ton |
Frequency |
FrequencyUnit |
gigahertz hertz kilohertz megahertz millihertz |
Humidity |
DensityUnit |
gramPerCubicMetre kilogramPerCubicMetre microgramPerCubicMetre milligramPerCubicMetre |
Illuminance |
IlluminanceUnit |
footcandle lux |
Inductance |
InductanceUnit |
henry microhenry millihenry |
IonizingRadiationDose |
IonizingRadiationDoseUnit |
gray microgray microsievert milligray millisievert sievert |
Irradiance |
IrradianceUnit |
wattPerSquareMetre |
Latitude |
AngleUnit |
degreeOfArc minuteOfArc radian secondOfArc turn |
Length |
LengthUnit |
astronomicalUnit centimetre foot inch kilometre metre micrometre mile millimetre nanometre nauticalMile |
Longitude |
AngleUnit |
degreeOfArc minuteOfArc radian secondOfArc turn |
Luminance |
LuminanceUnit |
candelaPerSquareMetre |
Luminosity |
PowerUnit |
britishThermalUnitPerHour gigajoulePerHour gigawatt horsepower joulePerHour joulePerSecond kiloBritishThermalUnitPerHour kilojoulePerHour kilojoulePerSecond kilowatt kilowattHourPerYear megajoulePerHour megawatt microwatt milliwatt tonOfRefrigeration watt |
LuminousFlux |
LuminousFluxUnit |
lumen |
LuminousIntensity |
LuminousIntensityUnit |
candela |
MagneticFlux |
MagneticFluxUnit |
maxwell weber |
MagneticInduction |
MagneticInductionUnit |
gauss tesla |
Mass |
MassUnit |
gram kilogram massPound microgram milligram slug tonne |
MassFlowRate |
MassFlowRateUnit |
gramPerHour gramPerSecond kilogramPerHour kilogramPerSecond massPoundPerHour |
Power |
PowerUnit |
britishThermalUnitPerHour gigajoulePerHour gigawatt horsepower joulePerHour joulePerSecond kiloBritishThermalUnitPerHour kilojoulePerHour kilojoulePerSecond kilowatt kilowattHourPerYear megajoulePerHour megawatt microwatt milliwatt tonOfRefrigeration watt |
Pressure |
PressureUnit |
bar decapascal hectopascal inchesOfMercury inchesOfWater kilopascal millibar millimetresOfMercury pascal poundPerSquareInch |
Radioactivity |
RadioactivityUnit |
becquerel gigabecquerel kilobecquerel megabecquerel |
ReactiveEnergy |
ReactiveEnergyUnit |
gigavoltAmpereReactiveHour kilovoltAmpereReactiveHour megavoltAmpereReactiveHour voltAmpereReactiveHour |
ReactivePower |
ReactivePowerUnit |
gigavoltAmpereReactive kilovoltAmpereReactive megavoltAmpereReactive millivoltAmpereReactive voltAmpereReactive |
RelativeDensity |
Unitless |
partsPerBillion partsPerMillion partsPerQuadrillion partsPerTrillion percent unity |
RelativeHumidity |
Unitless |
partsPerBillion partsPerMillion partsPerQuadrillion partsPerTrillion percent unity |
Resistance |
ResistanceUnit |
kiloohm megaohm milliohm ohm |
SoundPressure |
SoundPressureUnit |
bel decibel |
Temperature |
TemperatureUnit |
degreeCelsius degreeFahrenheit kelvin |
Thrust |
ForceUnit |
newton ounce pound ton |
TimeSpan |
TimeUnit |
day hour microsecond millisecond minute nanosecond second year |
Torque |
TorqueUnit |
newtonMetre |
Velocity |
VelocityUnit |
centimetrePerSecond kilometrePerHour kilometrePerSecond knot metrePerHour metrePerSecond milePerHour milePerSecond |
Voltage |
VoltageUnit |
kilovolt megavolt microvolt millivolt volt |
Volume |
VolumeUnit |
cubicCentimetre cubicFoot cubicInch cubicMetre fluidOunce gallon litre millilitre |
VolumeFlowRate |
VolumeFlowRateUnit |
cubicFootPerMinute cubicMetrePerHour cubicMetrePerMinute cubicMetrePerSecond gallonPerHour gallonPerMinute litrePerHour litrePerMinute litrePerSecond millilitrePerHour millilitrePerMinute millilitrePerSecond |
The following example shows an Interface with four contents
elements that are all of type Telemetry.
- The element named "thermometer" has co-type Temperature and
degreeCelsius. - The element named "barometer" has co-type Pressure and
millibar. - The element named "humidityMeter" has co-type RelativeHumidity and
percent. - The element named "anemometer" has co-type Velocity and
One Telemetry has a schema
value of integer, and the other three have schema
values of double, all of which are valid since both integer and double are numeric schemas.
"@context": [
"@id": "dtmi:com:example:Sensor;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"contents": [
"@type": [ "Telemetry", "Temperature" ],
"name": "thermometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "degreeCelsius"
"@type": [ "Telemetry", "Pressure" ],
"name": "barometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "millibar"
"@type": [ "Telemetry", "RelativeHumidity" ],
"name": "humidityMeter",
"schema": "integer",
"unit": "percent"
"@type": [ "Telemetry", "Velocity" ],
"name": "anemometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "metrePerSecond"
The following example reformulates the above Interface to have a single Telemetry whose schema is an Object with four Fields. Each field has a name, co-type, and unit that matches one of the separate Telemetries above.
"@context": [
"@id": "dtmi:com:example:Sensor;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"contents": [
"@type": "Telemetry",
"name": "multimeter",
"schema": {
"@type": "Object",
"fields": [
"@type": [ "Field", "Temperature" ],
"name": "thermometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "degreeCelsius"
"@type": [ "Field", "Pressure" ],
"name": "barometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "millibar"
"@type": [ "Field", "RelativeHumidity" ],
"name": "humidityMeter",
"schema": "integer",
"unit": "percent"
"@type": [ "Field", "Velocity" ],
"name": "anemometer",
"schema": "double",
"unit": "metrePerSecond"
The chart below lists the versions of the QuantitativeTypes extension that are currently available.
Extension | Context | DTDL versions |
QuantitativeTypes v1 | dtmi:dtdl:extension:quantitativeTypes;1 | 3 |
QuantitativeTypes v2 | dtmi:dtdl:extension:quantitativeTypes;2 | 4 |