A comprehensive hotel booking application built using MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js)
Vercel URL : https://hotel-booking-app-frontend-snowy.vercel.app/
- I provide already signIn My Admin url. You can see User functionalities please signout and signin New User.
- User registration and login functionality
- Hotel listing (price, location, rating)
- Using Firebase to upload images.
- User profile management
- Admin dashboard for hotel management
- Admin CRUD operation (create,read,update,delate)
- User CRUD operation (create,read,update,delate)
- Comment CRUD operation (create,read,update,delate)
- Start command - npm run dev
- Build command - npm run build
- Running Port Number - 5173
- Frontend: React.js, Redux, Context, Flowbite, Tailwind Css
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- APIs: RESTful APIs
- Implement email verification for users
- Implement rating and review system for hotels
- Firebase
- Redux
- React-Router-Dom
- Toastify
- React Circular Progressbar
- React persist
- React icons
- moment