This project provides a platform-independent C driver for the TDK InvenSense MPU6500 6-axis accelerometer and gyroscope sensor. The driver supports SPI and I2C communication interfaces, along with functions for sensor calibration, data transformation, and configuration management.
- Platform-Independent: Works with any platform that supports C, allowing flexible integration.
- Communication Interfaces: Supports both SPI and I2C protocols.
- Calibration: Includes functionality for accelerometer and gyroscope calibration.
- Raw and Processed Data Access: Provides access to both raw sensor data and processed data (in Gs and degrees/second).
- Configurable Settings: Offers customizable settings for accelerometer and gyroscope ranges, DLPF (Digital Low-Pass Filter) bandwidth, and sample rate.
To initialize the MPU6500, you need to create a device object using the MPU6500_NewDevice()
function and then call MPU6500_Init()
to configure and calibrate the sensor.
#include "mpu6500.h"
// Example for initializing the MPU6500 device:
MPU6500_Device_t mpu6500_dev = MPU6500_NewDevice(spi_handle, MPU6500_INTF_SPI, read_func, write_func, delay_func);
int8_t init_status = MPU6500_Init(&mpu6500_dev);
You can configure the device by setting the desired accelerometer and gyroscope ranges, DLPF bandwidth, and sample rate using MPU6500_ApplySettings()
MPU6500_Settings settings = {
.acc_range = MPU6500_ACCEL_RANGE_4G,
.gyr_range = MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_500DPS,
.dlpf = MPU6500_DLPF_BAND_WIDTH_41HZ,
.clock_source = MPU6500_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO
MPU6500_ApplySettings(&mpu6500_dev, settings);
Once the device is configured, you can read accelerometer and gyroscope data with either raw values or processed values in Gs and degrees/second.
int16_t acc[3], gyr[3]; // For raw data
float acc_g[3], gyr_dps[3]; // For processed data
// Raw data
MPU6500_GetDataRaw(&mpu6500_dev, acc, gyr);
// Processed data
MPU6500_GetData(&mpu6500_dev, acc_g, gyr_dps);
To calibrate the accelerometer or gyroscope, use the respective functions:
MPU6500_AccCalibration(&mpu6500_dev, 5000); // Calibrate for 5 seconds
MPU6500_GyrCalibration(&mpu6500_dev, 5000); // Calibrate for 5 seconds
Detailed information about each function can be found in the mpu6500.h file. Key functions include:
: Create a new device object.MPU6500_Init()
: Initialize and calibrate the device.MPU6500_ApplySettings()
: Apply configuration settings.MPU6500_GetData()
: Retrieve processed sensor data.MPU6500_GetDataRaw()
: Retrieve raw sensor data.MPU6500_AccCalibration()
: Calibrate the accelerometer.MPU6500_GyrCalibration()
: Calibrate the gyroscope.
Bug reports and contributions are welcome. Please visit the GitHub repository to submit issues or pull requests.
- MPU6500 Datasheet: PS-MPU-6500A-01-v1.3
- Register Map: MPU-6500-Register-Map2