Canon.Eos.Framework tries to provide a better and more convenient way to integrate the Canon EOS SDK into .NET applications. You still need to apply for and download the original SDK which includes all the DLLs.
using System;
using Canon.Eos.Framework;
namespace Canon.Eos.Framework.App
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var framework = new EosFramework())
using (var cameras = framework.GetCameraCollection())
Console.WriteLine("Camera Count: {0}", cameras.Count);
foreach (var camera in cameras)
Console.WriteLine("\tDevice Description: {0}", camera.DeviceDescription);
Console.WriteLine("\tPort Name: {0}", camera.PortName);
catch (EosException eos)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Last Command Failed with error {0}, {1}", eos.EosErrorCode, eos);