BlocksConverter is a PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to translate blocks from MC: Java Edition to MCPE.
- /convertqueue <add|remove|status> [world_name|all] (Permission: blocksconverter.command.convertqueue)
- /cq add <world_name|all>: It adds one or all worlds in queue before the conversion.
- /cq remove <world_name|all>: It removes one or all worlds from the queue.
- /cq status: It shows the status of current queue.
- /convert <world_name|queue> [backup=true|false] (Permission: blocksconverter.command.convert)
- /convert [world_name] [backup=true|false]: It directly convert a world (without quotes!) and it optionally runs a backup (by default is true)
- /convert queue [backup=true|false]: It starts to convert all the worlds in queue.
- /toolblock (Permission: blocksconverter.command.toolblock)
- Allows to show information about the block you are targetting. (Useful to detect the block ID to replace with).
This plugin could take some time before the conversion isn't finished. While the conversion, don't try to stop or turn off the server until it's finished.