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Running sample application on the Linux terminal

Cagatay Sonmez edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 1 revision
  1. Check out the source code
$ git clone
  1. Open your terminal and change working directory to EdgeCloudSim/scripts/sample_application

  2. Compile the source code

  1. Run the default scenario. If you don't provide proper arguments, the simulation processes will not started! Please check the help message in case of a failure

  1. The console output of the simulation processes can be found under output/<date>/default_config/iten.log

  1. The simulation results would be extracted and generated under EdgeCloudSim/scripts/sample_application/output/<date>/default_config/ folder

  1. You can use the matlab files to plot your results. First of all, you should adjust the getConfiguration.m file according to your simulation settings, e.g. the output folder path, the number of iteration and scenario names. Please do not invoke plotGenericResult function; it is an helper function so that we don't directly invoke it. plotGenericResult function is invoked with proper arguments in other matlab files; you can see an example usage in the plotAvgFailedTask.m file.

note: If you want to stop the simulation processes, you should use 'killall java' command successively until all the java processes are killed