This is an mvp webstore, written in ruby on rails and hosted on Heroku. This app allows users to buy and sell plant cuttings from people in there community.
Live demo here.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Setup
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- This is an mvp webstore, written in ruby on rails and hosted on Heroku.
- This app allows users to list plants to sell and allows buys to find sellers in there area selling a wide range of plant clippings.
- This project was completed as part of the Le Wagon fullstack developer bootcamp and served as an opportunity to develop my skills in:
- ruby on rails
- javascript
- scss
- javascript libraries
- git version control
- user authentication
- production deployment
- implementation of image hosting services
- Rails - Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates
- Ruby 3.0.3
- yarn 1.22.17
- typed_js
- Cloudinary image hosting
- devise
- Mapbox api
- Stripe Api
- jQuery
- bootstrap 5
- font-awesome 6
- PostgreSQL 12
- Create/edit plant listings
- Find plant cuttings for sale in your area using Mapbox API
- Purchase multiple plant cuttings from various sellers
- Checkout and pay with credit card via Stripe API
- Review your purchases
- View all your plants bought, sold and listed on your dashboard
You will need Ruby 3.0.3 and Rails Both can be installed via rbenv You will also need a Cloudinary account (free is sufficient) Download/Fork/Clone the repo and cd into the repo root directory in your terminal
To check that you have the correct ruby version run:
ruby --version
Run: touch .env
followed by echo '.env*' >> .gitignore
and add your cloudinary api to the .env file CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://2985**************D-***********************8
Add your mapbox api key to .env file MAPBOX_API_KEY=pk.eyJ1IjoicGR1b****************yZvNpTR_kk1kKqQ
Add your stripe keys to the .env file STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=***********************
and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=******************
Then run:
bundle install
to install the required gems
yarn install
to install the js packages
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
to set up your database
rails s
to start a local rails server
Project is: in progress
To do:
- Adding user favourites
- Add Ajax to search
- Add user authentication
- Fix bugs related to managing stock quantity
- Add notifications
- This project was a created as part of the Le Wagon Bootcamp with the help of Le Wagon Teaching Assistants
Created by Cerulean-Ash, k0sa7a, dora13l and piresgabriel - Feel free to contact us!