NotReaper v1.3.3/4
Hey guys!
New Features:
- Auto-updating! (windows only) You'll never need to download NR from here again.
- Export to cues/as community map (in settings menu)
- Sort of reverted/redone ultrawide support to keep the editor looking good in 16:9.
- Ctrl A to select all notes
- BG movement amount can be tweaked in the settings
- Note panning is now relative to the camera position
- Tiny performance improvements (maybe)
- Saves folder now defaults to the NotReaper root
Bug fixes:
- Last note bouncing, thanks @Mettra for the fix ;)
- More metadata window fixing
- Random cleanup and fixes
NOTE FOR MAC: A lot of features don't work. You can't generate Audica files, or add silence/remove silence. To get around this, use the Beat Saber Converter by joshie (Audica Modding Discord) to generate an Audica file from an existing Beat Saber map. NotReaper also needs file system access and might need to be allowed through gatekeeper to function correctly.