The Philadelphia Zoning Code includes provisions to ensure that neighbors of proposed developments are notified and have an opportunity to provide input regarding zoning decisions that may impact them. This is accomplished through a system of notification and through notification to near neighbors and public meetings that are held in communities and convened by Registered Community Organizations (RCOs).
The RCO Notifications WebApp is a tool created to assist applicants with their Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) community notification process as well as giving more information to community members and interested residents. This tool provides four pieces of information:
- Addresses of near neighbors that need to be notified.
- Names and contact information for RCOs.
- Contact information for other entities, such as the local Council District, Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) and Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) that need to be notified through this process.
- Templates for documents that applicants and RCOs are to use throughout this process.