Tutorials for a crash course in applied statistics and machine learning in R for biologists. Inspired by chapters from the book An Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibsharini.
Tutorials are written in R Markdown with R Studio.
- Create a Github account if you don't already have one
- Set up Git and GitHub with R Studio, as outlined in this link
- Make a new project (File-> New Project) and select version control with Git
- Set a local directory and link to the GitHub site: https://github.com/ColauttiLab/StatsCrashCourse
- Email robert.colautti -->at<-- Queensu.ca with your github user name for writing privileges.
Week | Date | Topic | Presenter |
1 | Jan 24 | Linear Models | Rob |
2 | Jan 31 | Classificaion | Ryan |
3 | Feb 7 | Permutation | Rob |
Feb 14 | N/A | ||
Feb 21 | Reading Break | ||
4 | Feb 28 | Model Selection | Sam |
5 | Mar 7 | Nonlinear Models | Regan |
Mar 14 | N/A | ||
6 | Mar 21 | Classification Trees | Ryan |
7 | Mar 28 | Support Vector Machines | Rob |
8 | Apr 4 | Clustering Methods | Jaimie |
Introduction to linear models: 1_LinearModels.html
Classification models: 2_Classification.html
And a more detailed/comprehensive version: 2_Classification_Comprehensive.html
Bootstrap and permutation models: 3_Permutations.html
Subset selection, shrinkage, dimension reduction, ridge regression and the lasso 4_ModelSelection.html
Polynomial regression, splines, and generalized additive models 5_NonlinearModels.html
Decision Trees, Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting 6_Classification_Trees.html
Machine learning algorithms for classification from linear predictors 7_Support_Vector_Machines.html
Principal Components Analysis, K-means & hierarchichal clustering