This repository integrates testcontainers-java and Apache Karaf docker image. It is a lightweight (if you take docker out of picture) alternative to traditional pax-exam tests. Main advantage of testcontainers is possibility to integrate with junit5 ecosystem. With junit5 and testcontainers all modern testing capabilities can be employed to improve quality assurance of solutions based on Apache Karaf.
In order to conduct your tests, use standard testcontainers structure, i.e.:
Since applications deployed in wild have various behaviors and options karaf test container implementation supports concept of a Customization
The Customization
can be seen as both - a pax-exam option but also capability (i.e. initialized http client to call deployed REST api).
Above example includes ShellCustomization
which allows to open a ssh shell session.
It does also include KarafUserCustomization
which injects an admin user.
You can implement your own Customization
which reflect specifics of your distribution.
Each Customization
needs to be registered before container start.
Customization is bound to container lifecycle and can declare dependencies which allows to adjust startup order of all customizations:
Code in this repository is licensed under Apache Software License v2 (ASLv2).
Copy of license is included in this repository, see LICENSE
The ConnectorIO® is a trademark of and licensed by Code-House, Łukasz Dywicki.
Apache Karaf, Karaf, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Karaf project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. There is no affiliation of any kind between ConnectorIO and Apache Software Foundation.