CREATE's repository for our droid racing team
Compiled using OpenCV 3.1 on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2 using a Raspberry Pi camera module.
Instructions for how to compile OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi can be found here
Download raspicam OpenCV API with instructions from here
Follow instructions to get a raspberry pi servo controller from here for source. Check './servod --help' (compiled from source) for usage.
Build Instructions:
Navigate to main directory with Makefile. Type 'make' into terminal and hit enter.
Run Instructions:
Comment/uncomment relevant hash defines at the top of main.cpp.
#define USB_WEBCAM - use if you are using the Pi with a USB webcam instead of a pi cam
#define STILL_IMAGES - use if you want to play back the stored images one by one for processing rather than video
- note: pay attention to the file format, as defined on line 108 of main.cpp, if you wish to add more images
Navigate to directory with main.cpp. Type 'sudo ./bin/run.exe' and hit enter to run. This is needed for the image read/write file path to work.
NOTE: To run with 'servod' not yet running, the system performs a system call as root, and therefore needs to be able to do so without use of a password. Otherwise, the program should be run as the root user.