The Azure Bicep templates provided in this repository allow for an easy and seamless integration of Azure environments into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security.
The command below creates a new app registration in Entra ID, including the required Microsoft Graph API permissions. This command needs to be executed by a user having the following Entra ID roles:
- Application Developer, Cloud Application Administrator or Application Administrator - to create the app registration in Microsoft Entra ID
- Privileged Role Administrator or Global Administrator - to provide administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions.
Use the optional grantAdminConsent parameter to disable granting administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions automatically.
az deployment sub create --name 'cs-cspm-appregistration' --location westeurope \
--template-file modules/iom/azureAppRegistration.bicep \
- You can generate a parameter file: generate-params
- Deploy the bicep file using the parameters file: deploy bicep file with parameters file
- Or pass the parameters as arguments: inline-parameters
Parameter name | Required | Description |
applicationName | no | Name of the App registration in Entra ID. Defaults to CrowdStrikeCSPM-${uniqueString}, e.g. CrowdStrikeCSPM-2452hzjqllbqm |
publicCertificate | no | Base64-encoded string of the public certificate raw data. Default is empty. This certificate is used to connect from the Falcon platform to Azure. |
grantAdminConsent | no | Provide admin consent to Microsoft Graph API permissions automatically. Defaults to true. Requires Privileged Role Administrator or Global Administrator permissions in Entra ID. |
The command below registers an Azure management group, including all Azure subscriptions, into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security by performing the following actions:
- Creates an app registration in Microsoft Entra ID, including Microsoft Graph API permissions and administrative consent
- Assigns the following Azure RBAC permissions to the created app registration on the Azure management group
- Reader
- Security Reader
- Key Vault Reader
- Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader
- Website Contributor
- Assigns the cs-website-reader custom role on the Subscription with the following actions
- Microsoft.Web/sites/Read
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/Read
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/Action
- Creates and Azure Policy definition and management group assignment to create Azure subscription diagnostic settings
- Creates Microsoft Entra ID diagnostic setting
- Deploys infrastructure for Indicator of Attack (IOA) assessment
- Integrates the Subscription into the CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security for Indicator of Misconfiguration (IOM) and Indicator of Attack (IOA) assessment
Registration only supports the Azure root management group (Tenant root group).
Ensure you have a CrowdStrike API client ID and client secret for FCS. If you don't, you can set them up on Falcon:
- Application Developer, Cloud Application Administrator or Application Administrator role in Microsoft Entra ID - to create the app registration in Microsoft Entra ID
- Privileged Role Administrator or Global Administrator role in Microsoft Entra ID - to provide administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions.
Use the optional grantAdminConsent parameter to disable granting administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions automatically.
- Owner role for the Azure management group to be integrated into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security
- Owner role for the Azure subscription to be used for deployment of the infrastructure for Indicator of Attack (IOA) assessment
az deployment mg create --name 'cs-cspm-managementgroup-deployment' --location westeurope \
--management-group-id $(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv) \
--template-file cs-cspm-deployment-managementGroup.bicep \
To enable indicators of attack (IOAs) for all the already existing subscriptions, you need to remediate the cs-ioa-assignment
Azure Policy Assignment manually.
Navigate to Management Groups and select the tenant root group.
Navigate to Governance > Policy and select Authoring > Assignments.
Click the cs-ioa-assignment
assignment and then remediate the assignment by creating a remediation task from a non-compliant policy assignment
Click Validate below to return to the cloud accounts page. Please allow about two hours for the data to be available.
- You can generate a parameter file: generate-params
- Deploy the bicep file using the parameters file: deploy bicep file with parameters file
- Or pass the parameters as arguments: inline-parameters
Parameter name | Required | Description |
defaultSubscriptionId | yes | Subscription Id of the default Azure Subscription. |
falconCID | yes | CID for the Falcon API. |
falconClientId | yes | Client ID for the Falcon API. |
falconClientSecret | yes | Client secret for the Falcon API. |
falconCloudRegion | no | Falcon cloud region. Defaults to US-1. Allowed values are US-1, US-2 or EU-1. |
useExistingAppRegistration | no | Use an existing Application Registration. Defaults to false. |
grantAppRegistrationAdminConsent | no | Grant admin consent for Application Registration. Defaults to true. |
azureClientId | no | Application Id of an existing Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azureClientSecret | no | Application Secret of an existing Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azurePrincipalId | no | Principal Id of the Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azureAccountType | no | Type of the Azure account to integrate. |
location | no | Location for the resources deployed in this solution. |
tags | no | Tags to be applied to all resources. |
deployIOM | no | Deploy Indicator of Misconfiguration (IOM) integration. Defaults to true. |
assignAzureSubscriptionPermissions | no | Assign required permissions on Azure Default Subscription automatically. Defaults to false. |
assignAzureManagementGroupPermissions | no | Assign required permissions Azure Management Group automatically. Defaults to true. |
deployIOA | no | Deploy Indicator of Attack (IOA) integration. Defaults to true. |
enableAppInsights | no | Enable Application Insights for additional logging of Function Apps. Defaults to false. |
deployActivityLogDiagnosticSettings | no | Deploy Activity Log Diagnostic Settings. Defaults to true. |
deployEntraLogDiagnosticSettings | no | Deploy Entra Log Diagnostic Settings. Defaults to true. |
The command below registers a single Azure Subscription into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security by performing the following actions:
- Creates an app registration in Microsoft Entra ID, including Microsoft Graph API permissions and administrative consent
- Creates Microsoft Azure activity log diagnostic setting
- Creates Microsoft Entra ID diagnostic setting
- Assigns the following Azure RBAC permissions on the Azure Subscription
- Reader
- Security Reader
- Key Vault Reader
- Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader
- Assigns the cs-website-reader custom role on the Subscription with the following actions
- Microsoft.Web/sites/Read
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/Read
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/Action
- Deploys infrastructure for Indicator of Attack (IOA) assessment
- Integrates the Subscription into the CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security for Indicator of Misconfiguration (IOM) and Indicator of Attack (IOA) assessment
Ensure you have a CrowdStrike API client ID and client secret for FCS. If you don't, you can set them up on Falcon:
- Application Developer, Cloud Application Administrator or Application Administrator role in Microsoft Entra ID - to create the app registration in Microsoft Entra ID
- Privileged Role Administrator or Global Administrator role in Microsoft Entra ID - to provide administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions.
Use the optional grantAdminConsent parameter to disable granting administrative consent to the requested Microsoft Graph API permissions automatically.
- Owner role of the Azure subscription to be integrated into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security
az deployment sub create --name 'cs-cspm-subscription-deployment' --location westeurope \
--template-file cs-cspm-deployment-subscription.bicep \
The deployment command can be executed multiple times to register additional Azure subscriptions into CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security.
- You can generate a parameter file: generate-params
- Deploy the bicep file using the parameters file: deploy bicep file with parameters file
- Or pass the parameters as arguments: inline-parameters
Parameter name | Required | Description |
defaultSubscriptionId | yes | Subscription Id of the default Azure Subscription. |
falconCID | yes | CID for the Falcon API. |
falconClientId | yes | Client ID for the Falcon API. |
falconClientSecret | yes | Client secret for the Falcon API. |
falconCloudRegion | no | Falcon cloud region. Defaults to US-1. Allowed values are US-1, US-2 or EU-1. |
useExistingAppRegistration | no | Use an existing Application Registration. Defaults to false. |
grantAppRegistrationAdminConsent | no | Grant admin consent for Application Registration. Defaults to true. |
azureClientId | no | Application Id of an existing Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azureClientSecret | no | Application Secret of an existing Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azurePrincipalId | no | Principal Id of the Application Registration in Entra ID. Only used with parameter useExistingAppRegistration. |
azureAccountType | no | Type of the Azure account to integrate. |
location | no | Location for the resources deployed in this solution. |
tags | no | Tags to be applied to all resources. |
deployIOM | no | Deploy Indicator of Misconfiguration (IOM) integration. Defaults to true. |
assignAzureSubscriptionPermissions | no | Assign required permissions on Azure Default Subscription automatically. Defaults to true. |
deployIOA | no | Deploy Indicator of Attack (IOA) integration. Defaults to true. |
enableAppInsights | no | Enable Application Insights for additional logging of Function Apps. Defaults to false. |
deployActivityLogDiagnosticSettings | no | Deploy Activity Log Diagnostic Settings. Defaults to true. |
deployEntraLogDiagnosticSettings | no | Deploy Entra Log Diagnostic Settings. Defaults to true. |
If you want to develop new content or improve on this collection, please open an issue or create a pull request. All contributions are welcome!
This is a community-driven, open source project aimed to register Falcon CSPM with Azure using Bicep. While not an official CrowdStrike product, this repository is maintained by CrowdStrike and supported in collaboration with the open source developer community.
For additional information, please refer to the file.
See the LICENSE for more information.