An open source implementation of the solution proposed in [1].
Trajectory clustering is an important operation of knowledge discovery from mobility data. Especially nowadays, the need for performing advanced analytic operations over massively produced data, such as mobility traces, in efficient and scalable ways is imperative. However, discovering clusters of complete trajectories can overlook significant patterns that exist only for a small portion of their lifespan. Here, we address the problem of Distributed Subtrajectory Clustering (DSC) in an efficient and highly scalable way.
This is a MapReduce solution in Java that has been implemented and tested against Hadoop 2.7.2. The only external library used here is cts for coordinate transformation.
The input is an hdfs directory containing csv files (comma delimited) of the form <obj_id, traj_id, t, lon, lat>, where
- obj_id and traj_id are integers (traj_id might be ommited if not available)
- t is an integer corresponding to the unix timestamp
- lon and lat are the coordinates in WGS84
For each dataset that is going to be used a preprocessing step must take place before the first run of DSC.
The input parameters of this preprocessing step are the following:
- hostname --> is a string representing the hostname (e.g. localhost)
- dfs_port --> is a string representing the hdfs port
- rm_port --> is a string representing the YARN resource manager port
- workspace_dir --> is a string corresponding to the HDFS path of your workspace;
- raw_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the raw input data are stored
- prep_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the intermediate preprocessed output data will be stored
- input_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the final preprocessed output data will be stored
- sample_freq --> is a double precision number corresponding to the probability with which a key will be chosen, during the sampling phase of the repartitioning and index building (refer to [1] for more details)
- max_nof_samples =--> is an integer corresponding to the total number of samples to obtain from all selected splits, during the sampling phase of the repartitioning and index building (refer to [1] for more details)
- maxCellPtsPrcnt --> is a double precision number corresponding to the maximum percent of points (in relation to the total number of points) per cell of the quadtree index (refer to [1] for more details)
Example --> yarn jar Preprocess.jar "hdfs://localhost" ":9000" ":8050" "/workspace_dir" "/raw" "/prep" "/input" sample_freq max_nof_samples maxCellPtsPrcnt
DSC can be run multiple times with different parameters once the preprocessing step has taken place.
The input parameters of DSC are the following:
hostname --> is a string representing the hostname (e.g. localhost)
dfs_port --> is a string representing the hdfs port
rm_port --> is a string representing the YARN resource manager port
workspace_dir --> is a string corresponding to the HDFS path of your workspace;
input_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the input of DSC is stored
intermdt_output_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the intermediate output of DSC will be stored
subtraj_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the files containing information about the discovered subtrajectories will be stored (refer to [1] for more details)
output_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the output of DSc will be stored
nof_reducers --> is an integer corresponding to the number of reducers
e_sp_method --> can be either 1 or 2 corresponding to the two alternative distance range methods available. 1 is for pure euclidean distance and 2 is for percentage of the quadtree cell that the point belongs to (refer to [1] for more details)
epsilon_sp --> is an integer number corresponding to the euclidean distance if e_sp_method = 1 and a double precision number corresponding to the percentage of the quadtree cell if e_sp_method = 2
epsilon_t --> is an integer number corresponding to εt in seconds
dt --> is an integer number corresponding to δt in seconds
SegmentationAlgorithm --> can be either 1 or 2 corresponding to the two alternative segmentation algorithms
w --> is an integer number corresponding to the sliding window size of the segmentation algorithm as defined in [1]
tau --> is a double precision number corresponding to the τ parameter of the segmentation algorithm as defined in [1]
threshSim --> is a double precision number corresponding to the α parameter of the clustering algorithm as defined in [1] (α = avg_similarity + (threshSim * stddev_similarity))
minVoting --> is a double precision number corresponding to the k parameter of the clustering algorithm as defined in [1] (k = avg_similarity + (threshSim * stddev_similarity))
job_description = is a string corresponding to the name of the current run (this is helpfull when multiple runs with different parameters take place)
Example --> yarn jar DSC.jar "hdfs://localhost" ":9000" ":8050" /workspace_dir" "/input" "/intermdt_output" "/subtraj" "/clust_output" nof_reducers e_sp_method epsilon_sp epsilon_t dt SegmentationAlgorithm w tau threshSim minVoting DSC_run_1
The output of DSC are key-value pairs of the following format:
<repr_obj_id, repr_traj_id, repr_subtraj_id> <obj_id, traj_id, subtraj_id, similarity>
where <repr_obj_id, repr_traj_id, repr_subtraj_id> is the representative subtrajectory that represents an entire cluster and <obj_id, traj_id, subtraj_id, similarity> is a subtrajectory that belongs to the specific cluster.
Since the output doesn't provide the actual subtrajectories (i.e. their movement), this is an optional step that joins the result with the original data and produces a dataset that contains the mobility information of the subtrajectories.
The input parameters are the following:
- hostname --> is a string representing the hostname (e.g. localhost)
- dfs_port --> is a string representing the hdfs port
- rm_port --> is a string representing the YARN resource manager port
- workspace_dir --> is a string corresponding to the HDFS path of your workspace;
- input_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the input of DSC is stored
- subtraj_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the files containing information about the discovered subtrajectories are be stored
- output_dir --> is a string corresponding to the relative HDFS path (in relation with the workspace_dir) where the output of DSC is stored
- nof_reducers --> is an integer corresponding to the number of reducers
- repr_only --> is a boolean that if set true it outputs only the representatives of a Cluster and if set false then it also outputs the Cluster members
Example --> yarn jar JoinResults.jar "hdfs://localhost" ":9000" ":8050" /workspace_dir" "/input" "/subtraj" "/output" nof_reducers e_sp_method epsilon_sp epsilon_t dt SegmentationAlgorithm w tau threshSim minVoting repr_only JoinResults_run_1
This work was partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 780754 (Track & Know) and No 777695 (MASTER). Furthermore, this work was partially supported by the Greek Ministry of Development andInvestment, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, under the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (grant T1EDK-03268, i4sea).
- P. Tampakis, N. Pelekis, C. Doulkeridis, and Y. Theodoridis. “Scalable Distributed Subtrajectory Clustering”. In:IEEE BigData 2019. 2019, pp. 950–959