Have you ever had to do some arithmetic calculations using Elixir's Decimal library? If so, you probably noticed that doing so is very unhandy, error prone and the final result looks realy ugly. Let suppose you are building an e-commerce application and you want to calculate gross price for given net price and VAT rate. How would you do it using just plain Decimal library?
iex> net_price = Decimal.new("17.99")
iex> vat_rate = Decimal.new("23")
iex> gross_price =
Decimal.div(vat_rate, Decimal.new(100)))
) |> Decimal.round(2)
Wouldn't be better (i.e. more readable) if you could write something like that:
iex> use DecimalArithmetic
iex> net_price = ~m(17.99)
iex> vat_rate = ~m(23)
iex> gross_price =
net_price * (1 + vat_rate / 100)
|> Decimal.round(2)
This library was created so that you could use Decimal type in the same way you use embedded Elixir's integer and float types. Particularly in relation to 4 basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplying and division) and also numbers comparison.
Add decimal_arithmetic to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:decimal_arithmetic, "~> 0.1.1"}]
Use DecimalArithmetic library in a whole module:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
use DecimalArithmetic
or in a specific function:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
def calculate_something(a, b) do
use DecimalArithmetic
Thanks to above you get access to extended decimal arithmetic.
When any expresion contains at least one operand of Decimal type the rest of operands are promoted to Decimal too. E.g.:
iex> a = 23
iex> b = ~m(1.28)
iex> a + b
In above example a = 23
has been promoted to Decimal and then used to calculate final result. Under the hood promotion is made with Decimal.new
However in rest cases, that is when there are no Decimal operands, normal Kernel arithmetic operators are in use. E.g:
iex> a = 1
iex> b = 2
iex> a + b
Besides basic arithmetic the library provides all typical comparison operators.
iex> a = ~m(23.45)
iex> b = ~m(23.46)
iex> a > b
iex> a < b
iex> a <= b
Promotion to Decimal relates to comparison operators too.