Source code of the research "Combined Relay Selection Enabled by Supervised Machine Learning"
This program was tested on CentOS 7.x and Ubuntu18/20.
Please make sure Tensorflow 2.1.0, Cuda 10.1 and Cudnn 7.6.4 were installed properly.
Some tips that might help:
- To install Tensorflow 2.1.0 with pip:
python -m pip install tensorflow==2.1.0
(Tensorflow 2.1.0 works with python 3.7 rather than 3.8, please make sure you have the correct python version :P )
2. Remember to add corresponding PATH according to instructions given by Cuda installer
Update(2021.12.13): Tested with Tensorflow 2.5.0. Should be compatible with later versions.
To launch a new run:
python -n
To continue a previous trainning:
python -l [model name]
the model name can be found under the "record" folder, named by the initial run datetime
There are various way to evaluate a trained model aquired in the previous process. We provide a quick and simple way to get some insight of the G matrices and predicted output vectors. Run as a stand-alone program:
The program would look for model "latest.h5" in the root directory and execute the evaluation function. While leaving the option export_to_files=True, the program generates two files in "verify" subfolder. "G.csv" and "results.csv" store the G matrices and predicted/brute-force searched results, respectively.