A creative mess of scripts, mini-projects, and random development ideas.
Welcome to DevSandbox, a collection of experiments, small projects, and snippets across various programming languages and frameworks. This repository is a space where I explore coding concepts, try out new tools, and learn by building.
This repository contains:
- Python Scripts: Small programs solving specific problems, automating stuff, or exploring Python libraries.
- Lua Scripts: Simple scripts and projects to practice and explore the Lua scripting language.
- Java Projects: Mini projects, design pattern implementations, and experiments in Java.
- C# Projects: Includes WinForms applications and other small C# experiments.
- Web Projects: Random web pages built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Django Apps: Minor Django projects used to learn and explore the framework.
- Miscellaneous: Other coding experiments and ideas that don’t fit neatly into a category.
Here are some of the languages, frameworks, and tools used in this repository:
- Languages: Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, Lua, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks: Django, WinForms
- Others: Various libraries and APIs depending on the project
This repository serves as:
- A learning hub for practicing programming concepts and frameworks.
- A playground for trying out new ideas and tools.
- A reference for revisiting past experiments and code snippets.