Raspberry Pi Powered Smart Mirror Built in Python 3.6
If you have git installed, clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/Druanae/iMirror.git
Alternatively download a zip from the Repository page.
Navigate to the folder for the repository.
cd iMirror
- Python 3.6
- tkinter
Ensure you have pip installed.
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the Lato fonts in the font folder.
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp fonts/* ~/.fonts
fc-cache -vf .fonts
sudo pacman -S python tk
sudo apt-get install python python-imaging-tk
Go to darksky.net and sign up for a developer account.
Edit interface.py and replace the contents of WEATHER_API_TOKEN with the secret key provided on Darksky's account page.
WEATHER_API_TOKEN = '[TOKEN]' # replace with secret key provided at https://darksky.net/dev/account/
If you are running Raspbian Jessie or Stretch then you will need to disable screenblanking.
Installing xscreensaver is the easiest method of disabling screen blanking. Once installed you should be able to edit screensaver preferences in the Pi's Preferences menu.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver
To run the application use the following command in the root of the repository:
python interface.py