The goal is to create a small 2D game where a dolphin escapes earth after eating some fish. Or any hero collects any valuables before leaving the place.
You must use the miniLibX. Either the version that is available on the operating system, or from its sources. The management of your window must remain smooth: changing to another window, minimizing, etc.
The program must have one single argument, a .ber file that is a map representing the size of the map and the location of specific elements. The map must be composed of only 5 possible characters: 0 for an empty space, 1 for a wall, C for a collectible, E for map exit and P for the player’s starting position. This is a simple valid map:
The map must be closed/surrounded by walls, if not the program must return an error. The map must have at least one exit, one collectible, and one starting position. It's not in the scope of this project to check if there’s a valid path in the map. The map must be rectangular.