Millions of tons of Food get wasted in wedding home parties and hotels, which not only get wasted but also cause other problems i.e global warming. The problem does not end over there, but a lot of resources also get wasted like water consumption by food, fertilizers to grow that food not proper dumping the food cause damage to the environment. In Pakistan around 40% of the food get wasted which is around 36 million tons of food every year. 43% of the country citizens remain food unsecure and 18% citizens facing a severe food shortage. People remaining food insecure will further reduce the Pakistan ranking in global hunger index, Pakistan lies among top 20 in global hunger index. WE Al- Tozaih with an aim of Don’t waste let’s distribute going to build an app where we will provide a platform to people where they can post the left-over food over the platform. A specific people will be able to collect that food to ensure the safety. Hotels, Marriage halls and other food courts would also post over the platform by entering data using proper form available in app. We will perform analysis over the data to find the measures of food wastage and inform them about the factors causing food wastage to overcome it.
Most of the time the food we cooked is left over and get wasted and being away from home sometimes remind you deliciousness of home cooked food so that become inspiration for us why not to provide platform where left over provided to the people who deserve or willing to take it that cover both aspects.
It’s an app-based platform where users can post the data and people around can search any food available nearby so they can avail that food. It will provide information to the people about the left-over food from someone which they can avail. How we built: We built it using flutter which is cross platform for mobile application development. it consists of features like posting the food and reserving food where the user who posted data will provide some information related to the food and later on can convert to collected.
While working with the code for Pakistan we already have developed more then half of our solutions which was in pending from time. It's an accomplishment for us now it will be easy it further extending it
Due to limitations of time still a lot of work is in pending like adding feature which will notify people around. Not having a dataset to build a machine learning model and integrating It with an App. However that’s not much difficult task it’s integration will be performed whenever we have fair amount of data.
A lot of things and concepts get cleared while preparing a solution from scratch in short span of time. Help from mentors give some tough time but later on while working on that get more and more cleared. What's next for Al-Tozaih – EncoderBytes We will continue working on that as it’s our own product and will add some extra features to it like providing paid services to the hotels, marriage halls or food companies lacking analytics industry. Further extension of it will also cover the industry of supply chain by getting proper access to their data.