Discord bot using discord.js that only allows members to say specific phrases.
Before you start you are going to need the following
- Node.js installed
- A discord bot with permissions to delete messages
1: Clone or download the repo
- Use git to clone the repo
- Click "Code" then download zip.
2: Install discord.js
- This can be done by running
npm install discord.js
in a terminal
3: Put your discord bot token in .env
- It should be put in place of
4: Setup your phrases
- Add your allowed phrases to phrases.json make sure to use the correct syntax
5: Start the bot
- This can be done by running
node index.js
in a terminal
6: Allow message deletion
- You will need to run !togglephrase in the channel(s) you want the bot to be active in
- You will NEED admin permissions to prevent anyone from doing this
- You can manually add channels to channels.json if needed
Follow this guide here: