What is NesSnesN64GC2Usb ?
USB Implementation
Compilation, Installation and Fuse bits
vendor id/product id pair
What is NesSnesN64GC2Usb ?
NesSnesN64GC2Usb is a project i started after having salvaged a few ATMega8's and wanting to do things with them. As i often play a game on an NES, SNES or GC emulator and having the actual controllers and console i quickly realised that raphnet.net's projects were perfect. This is a project in which i merged, and modified , his NesSnes2USB and gc_n64_usb to support all 4 at once. the firmware allows for 2 nes or snes controllers, 1 GC controller and 1 N64 controller
at this moment , due to size restraint on the ATMega8 , a switch is on PB0 to select NES/SNES or GC/N64. in the future i will try to rewrite a part of the code hoping i can use them all at once to control 1 actual controller... else, ill have to switch to the ATMega168 which has 16KB flash instead of 8 that the ATMega8 has.
- USB Implementation
just like raphnet.net's project this uses the software level USB driver from Objective Development, v-usb. see http://www.obdev.at/products/avrusb/index.html for more
- Compilation, Installation and Fuse bits
To compile the code you will need avr-gcc and avr-libc either in Linux or Windows. For Windows you can use WinAVR or Cygwin. simply open a terminal/Command prompt in the directory of the source and execute 'make'.
after the source is compiled you need to put the firmware on the chip. you can do this in any way you like. i have used tinyusb with avrdude. after this, the fuse bits need to be set for this to work.
Low byte : 0x9F High byte : 0xC9
Low Byte : 0xD7 High Byte : 0xD5 Extended Byte : 0x01
- vendor id/product id pair
Just as mentioned in the source and readme of raphnet.net , please change the vendor/product ID when using this in a different project. you can use one for free from obdev's USB-IDs-for-free.txt !