Use this package to consume Atlassian's Status Page API from Dart/Flutter.
Please refer to for more info on the API.
Initially we support the following functionality:
- Get list of pages
- Get specific page by id
- Get list of components by page
- Get component by id by page
- Get list of incidents
- Get page info and components summarized
In the following versions we'll be adding more more functionality
First, you need to get your api key, to do this, enter Status Page website and go to API info section on your profile.
From here you can start using this package but we recommend to get couple other data.
On the same page, you'll find your page id, it should look something like this:
Although you can get this using the package, it might be easier to get them from the web.
to do this, go to you components page and look at the url, there you'll find every component id refer to the following example:
You can get the summarized status page information of your page using the summary function.
You just need to send the page domain, which looks something like this example:
final statusPage = StatusPage(apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY');
final pages = await statusPage.pages;
final page = await'PAGE_ID');
final componentList = page.components;
final component = page.component('COMPONENT_ID');
final incidentList = await statusPage.incidents;
final unresolvedIncidents = await statusPage.incidents('PAGE_ID', IncidentType.unresolved);
final summary = StatusPage.summary(url: 'YOUR_DOMAIN_URL');