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- All standard paths
- Navigating to sub-properties of complex properties. e.g.:
- property/$value
- Collection/$ref
- Configuration option to set
- Absolute or relative Navigation links
- Maximum and default values for $top
- Default value for $count
- All types of observation results: Numeric, String, Boolean, Object and Array. Json type is exactly retained (if you put 2.00 in, you get 2.00 back out)
- In-line objects, nested as deep as you want
- GeoJSON geospatial objects for Location and FeatureOfInterest. Other encodings are accepted but can not be used in filters
- Data integrity is maintained. Deleting a Thing will also delete the Datastreams and Observations of that Thing.
- $top
- $skip
- $count
- $select
As per OData:
- $select on navigation properties adds the navigationLink to the item
- $expand on navigation properties adds the content of the item
- If you want both the navigation link and the content, use both $select and $expand
- $expand - Including full nesting. Each expand can have all query parameters ($top, $skip, $count, $select, $expand, $orderby and $filter)
- $orderby - Includes full function support of all functions listed under $filter
- $filter - Full support.
- Arbitrary deep searches. For instance, you can find all Things that have ever been in a certain location with:
.../v1.0/Things?$filter=st_within(HistoricalLocations/Location/location, geography'POLYGON((7.5 51.5, 7.5 53.5, 8.5 53.5, 8.5 51.5, 7.5 51.5))')
- Comparing different properties. You can store a threshold in the properties field of a Thing, and then compare the Observation results to this:
.../v1.0/Datastream(x)/Observations?$filter=result sub Datastream/Thing/properties/threshold gt 0
- Unfortunately, neither SensorThingsAPI nor OData defines functions for interval logic like overlaps, starts, meets, etc.
This is being worked on, but not standardised yet. Our suggestions for changes to the SensorThings API can be found here
- The best way to compare time intervals is to use the time functions: Before, After, Meets, During, Overlaps, Starts, Finishes
- When comparing time intervals (
and (possibly)Observation/phenomenonTime
) to time instants:- equal tests of the time instant is inside the interval (inclusive)
- not equal tests of the time instant is outside the interval (exclusive)
work as expected
- When comparing a time interval to a time interval
- equals test if the start and end times are the same
test whether the end of one is greater / less than the start of the other -
give an error, since it is not clear what is expected in this case
- Durations can be specified in a url as
- Subtracting two times results in a duration
- Adding / subtracting a duration to / from a datetime results in a datetime
- Adding / subtracting a duration to / from a time interval results in a time interval
- When filtering on Observations/result:
- If the filter is numeric or boolean ($filter=result gt 3), string results are ignored
- If the filter is string-based ($filter=result gt '3'), all results are cast to strings
- If the filter is direct ($filter=result), only boolean results are used
- Filtering on complex (JSON) properties:
- Behaves the same as on Observations/result (only casts to string, never to number/boolean)
- Can filter on arbitrary deep trees (Things?$filter=properties/some/deeply/nested/value eq 5)
- Can address array elements using [#], where # is the 0-based array index of the desired element. Also works for nested arrays, and objects in arrays:
- Things?$filter=properties/array[1] eq 5
- Things?$filter=properties/array[1][0] eq 5
- Things?$filter=properties/array[1][0]/name eq 5
- Can also be used as function parameters:
- Things?$filter=substring(properties/names[1], 1, 4) eq 'bcd'
- Arbitrary deep searches. For instance, you can find all Things that have ever been in a certain location with:
Both fetching observations and creating observations using the DataArray extension is supported.
MultiDatastreams are like Datastreams, but the Observations for MultiDatastreams contain more than one result value. The MultiDatastream has links to multiple ObservedProperties (one for each value) and the unitOfMeasurement property is a list instead of a single value. The observationType is of type OM_ComplexObservation and the observation types of the different result values are stored in the multiObservationDataTypes field.
- create observations via MQTT publish
- including inline entities
- subscribe to entity inserts & changes
- on entity sets (e.g. v1.0/Things)
- with selected properties (e.g. v1.0/Things?$select=id,name)
- on entities (e.g. v1.0/Things(1))
- on properties (e.g. v1.0/Things(1)/name)
- on entity sets (e.g. v1.0/Things)
- Batch processing is implemented as it is specified. There are some open questions as to whether the specification is useful, or needs to be improved. See:
There are three backends available:
- The default backend, using sequential numbers as IDs
- The String-id backend, using Strings as IDs, by default generated using uuid_generate_v1mc()
- The UUID-id backend, using UUIDs as IDs, by default generated using uuid_generate_v1mc()
- Backends for different databases
OGC publishes a conformance test at GitHub. The goal of this implementation of the API is to be fully compliant with the test suite. This test suite is still a work in progress, so as the tests change, the implementation might no longer pass. At the same time, the test suite is only intended to be a minimum requirement for implementations. Therefore we have a fork of the test suite with additional tests, published here. Some of the differences between the two versions:
- The official version does not check whether the server returns observation results exactly as they are put in. See https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-sta10/pull/15
- The official version only tests String comparisons on Observation results, not numerical comparisons. See https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-sta10/issues/14
- The official version does not yet test operator precedence. See https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-sta10/pull/17
- The official version does not yet test any functions.
- The official version does not yet test time interval and time duration handling.
- The official version does neither test MQTT creation of observations nor subscription to entity changes & inserts. See https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-sta10/pull/20
- The official version only supports servers that use Integer numbers as entity ids.