This library implements custom exception handling.
Licensed under MIT license.
Javadocs can be found at
View the source code & clone repo for demo app here:
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Gaineyj0349:ExceptionBuddy:1.1.1'
This library simply gives the developer control over what happens when an uncaught exception occurs. The main strengths of this library is the ability to redirect to custom activity upon uncaught exception, and have the detailed and formatted exception information available in that activity to do what you wish. This Directive also has access to the activity context (just type context to use it)
- 1 - Create a Directive class and extend the ExceptionBuddyDirective like so:
/*this class is necessary - as the super class contains all of the custom exception handling code.
an instance of this class must be provided to the ExceptionBuddy builder
class MyDirective extends ExceptionBuddyDirective {
//the context is given to this class from the builder object. just type context to use it
public void executeOnException() throws ExceptionBuddy.CrashBuddyException {
This option is provided in case the developer wants to execute some simple code like changing sharedpref
values, and still wants the android default uncaught exception behavior.
The process has become unstable, so things like showing a toast is not possible now, maybe a future update
this will be possible.
Log.i("Case2Directive", "process id = " + android.os.Process.myPid());
- 2 - Create an Activity that extends PostExceptionActivity. When an uncaught exception occurs, this is the activity that the app will redirect to before closing down the previous process. This class comes with 4 variables.
public String EXCEPTION_REPORT; this variable will hold the app's exception report
public boolean DEV_CUSTOM_CODE_COMPLETED; this variable will hold if the developer's custom code successfully executed (in the directive's executeOnException.
public String DEV_CUSTOM_CODE_EXCEPTION_REPORT; this variable will hold the developer's code exception report (if applicable)
public String PHONE_INFO; this variable will hold the device's information
3 - Now just create the ExceptionBuddy object within the class you want and all future activities in the stack will receive the benefits as well without recreating the object (granted they are in the same process.) However, I typically will put it in onCreate every class for the fact that android can reclaim memory if it needs and will render the ExceptionBuddy object useless if I was relying on one created lower in the taskstack. Like so:
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_case1);
ExceptionBuddy exceptionBuddy = new ExceptionBuddy.Builder(this) .automaticallyInvokePostExceptionActivity(true) .setPostExceptionActivity(MyPostExceptionActivity.class) .withExceptionDirective(new MyDirective()) .build();