- Create venv
python3 -m venv ./venv
- Install dependencies
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
venv/bin/pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
venv/bin/python3 executable/linux_updating.py executable/config.yml --create-test-env --destroy-test
Need 3 files:
Updating Linux
There are two modes(prod & test mode) (for poc reasons just implement the test mode)
prod mode will have more features like backup/rollback...
Create tmp test env
Use existing ansible roles to provision env
Now the state of the tmp test env, should be the same as the prod env
Get running systemd services from prod and test env and compare?
Anyways definitly get running systemd services from test env
Check health of tmp test env with prometheus alertmanager
Execute upgrade (Where does this code lays? is it in infra_config? an own branch?)
Execute dist upgrade
Get running systemd services and compare with list before update, if it does not match, show the difference