The Home Service Robot ROS project simulates a Turtlebot performing a task in a simple Gazebo environment. A marker is generated at a given pick-up location on the map and the robot navigates the environment to retrieve it and deliver it to another designated drop-off point, using Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM).
This project is intended to be built within a catkin workspace. To build, clone this repo and ROS packages below into the catkin_ws/src
folder and run catkin_make
Run the
script to launch a simple Gazebo world, RViz and Teleop keyboard node. Drive the Turtlebot around the environment with i
, j
, l
and m
to populate the map with the RGB-D camera and lidar, then run $ rosrun map_server map_server map.yaml
to save.
Run the
script to launch the simple world and RViz. Test navigation works with the generated map by clicking on random waypoints with the 2D Nav Goal tool.
Run the
script to run all nodes. A blue cuboid marker will be generated at a drop-off point and the robot will collect it and move it to a new drop-off location: