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TYPO3 extension wp_deqar_reports

This extension offers the possibility, to submit DEQAR reports ( directly from the TYPO3 Backend and show them on your website.


Extension-Settings are set centralized for the whole TYPO3 installation.

Basic settings

Property Type Example value Description Required
authorization_token String abc DEQAR API Token x
report_submission_endpoint String or:… DEQAR API URLCan be a sandbox URL too x
date_format String %Y-%m-%d Date format for valid_* fields x
report_languages String ger, eng comma separated list of available languages (3 letters) for report files
agency String EAEVE Used for the Backend Listview, to filter the own reports

Property settings

Additionally, you can make settings for each property. The following table shows which properties combined with their prefix are available (x). In the Backend, the properties are splitted in 3 own tabs called “Show properties”, “Submit properties” and “Prefill properties”.

Property Description show_ submit_ prefill_
type This is a required field and has to be submitted x x
agency x x x
local_identifier TYPO3 record uid is not an input field x
activity x x x
activity_local_identifier x x x
status This is a required field and has to be submitted x x
decision This is a required field and will always be submitted and must be setted manually
valid_from This is a required field and will always be submitted and must be setted manually
valid_to This must be setted manually x x
file_original_location This is a required field and will always be submitted and must be setted manually
file_display_name This is a required field and will always be submitted and must be setted manually
file_report_language This is a required field and has to be submitted x x
ser_report_file This is a local property and will not be submitted and must be setted manually x
ser_report_name This is a local property and will not be submitted and must be setted manually x
institution_deqar_id This is a required field and has to be submitted x x
programme_name_primary This is a required field and has to be submitted, but not in “Institutional reports” x x
programme_identifier x x x
programme_qualification_primary x x x
programme_nqf_level x x x
programme_qf_ehea_level x x x
hardcopy This is a local property and will not be submitted.It is a Checkboy, so no prefill is needed. x


  • Type: Checkbox
  • Example Fieldname: show_agency
  • Example Label: Show agency If activated, this property is displayed in the “List view” and “Upload form”. By default, all show_* checkboxes are activated.


  • Type: Checkbox
  • Example Fieldname: submit_agency
  • Example Label: Submit agency If activated, this property will be transferred in the “Upload form”. By default, all submit_* checkboxes are activated.


  • Type: Input field (string)
  • Example Fieldname: prefill_agency
  • Example Label: Prefill agency

Prefills the property with the given value. By default, the fields are empty. If show_ is activated for this property, the value of the “Upload form” is prefilled. If show_ is deactivated for this property, the value is used hidden at the API transfer. If both show_ and submit_ are deactivated, this value is obsolete.

Note: programme_* fields are in the Program Model, not Report.



The Extension exists of one Module. Modules are to be used in the TYPO3-Backend. The Module calls the API using the Extension-Settings.

List view

Basically, when opening the Module, this “List view” is shown. It shows a Button for uploading reports, a Year-filter for the list and a list of all existing records. The year filter is showing all years from the oldest TYPO3-record (valid_from) to the current year. Initially the current year is activated.

Caution: Older entries from DEQAR (then the oldest TYPO3 record’s year) are not visible!

The list shows all records from TYPO3 and DEQAR! The list is filtered with the agency, given in the extension-settings. They are grouped by their ID (one line for a record in both systems). Usually the records in both systems are the same. But they can be different, if someone is uploading by hand in the DEQAR system or when they are uploaded into TYPO3 without transfer to DEQAR. In this case, data from TYPO3 is shown.

All properties (columns) from the extension-settings with disabled show_* property are not shown.

The table is sorted by date_from (ascending).

For valid_from and valid_to the date format from the extension settings is used.

The List view shows a table with a line for each record.

The following columns can be visible:

Label Property Example Description
Type type Institutional report As an Icon with tooltipp
TYPO3 - Yes or No As an Icon.Yes, if stored in TYPO3.TYPO3’s uid as Tooltipp
DEQAR - Yes or No As an Icon.Yes, if stored in DEQAR.local_identifier as Tooltipp
Agency agency EAEVE
Activity activity 273 As Tooltipp the name of the activity
Activity local identifier activity_local_identifier 273
Status status 2
Decision decision Accreditation The title of the Decision
Valid from valid_from 04-03-2019 Format as set in Extension settings
Valid to valid_to 04-03-2026 Format as set in Extension settings
File file_display_name, file_original_location Full Visitation Report file_display_name is shown and links to file_original_location
File report language file_report_language eng
SER file ser_report_file, ser_report_nameor hardcopy SER 1 ser_report_name is shown and links to ser_report_file
Institution institution1_deqar_id + name University of Vienna (DEQARINST0784)
Programme identifier programme_identifier 16
Programme name primary programme_name_primary Veterinary Medicine
Programme qualification programme_qualification_primary Master of Arts
Programme nqf level programme_nqf_level level 7
Programme qf ehea level programme_qf_ehea_level 2

Programs are a 1:n relation from reports. So more than one program can exist.

Upload Form

The DEQAR-API allows you to send multiple reports in one call. But this module submits only one single report. The upload form can show the following formfields.

Label Property Example Type
Transfer to DEQAR - 1 Checkbox
Type type 1 Select
Agency agency EAEVE String
Local identifier (TYPO3 uid) local_identifier 123 Integer
Activity activity 273 Select
Activity local identifier activity_local_identifier 273xy String
Status status 2 Select
Decision decision 1 Select
Valid from valid_from 04-03-2019 Date
Valid to valid_to 04-03-2026 Date
File label file_display_name Full Visitation Report String
File path file_original_location File / FAL
File report language file_report_language eng Select
SER file path ser_report_file File / FAL
SER file label ser_report_name Stage 1 SER String
Institution institution_deqar_id DEQARINST0784 Select2
Programme name primary programme_name_primary Veterinary Medicine String
Programme identifier programme_identifier 16 Integer
Programme qualification programme_qualification_primary Master of Arts String
Programme nqf level programme_nqf_level level 7 String
Programme qf ehea level programme_qf_ehea_level second cycle String
Hardcopy hardcopy 0 Checkbox

The 5 programme_* fields can be added multiple (1:n relation). Respect the API, it can be required.

For valid_from and valid_to the date format from the extension settings is used.

All properties from the extension-settings with disabled show_* property is not shown.

If the Checkbox “Transfer to DEQAR” is activated, the API call is used. Otherwise only the TYPO3 record will be created. This Checkbox is activated by default.


If active, “ser_report_file” is disabled.

Otherwise is “hardcopy” disabled, when “ser_report_file” is filled out.


The Institution select (Select2) is prefilled with values from the API: “limit==100000” This API can be used directly via JS without authentification.

“Select2” is used for searching inside the selectbox. See:

Option-label is the name of the institute and the deqar_id. Example: “University of Vienna (DEQARINST0784)” Option-value is the deqar_id (e.g.: DEQARINST0784)

The deqar_id is used for the API transfer. Additionally, the Label is stored in the TYPO3 database for the views.

It is possible to select more than one Institution.


After submitting the form, the required fields are validated (see data models). Also the date formats and conditionally required fields have to be respected.

If no errors, the data will be transferred with the API:

Additionally the TYPO3 record will be created.

API Response

If the call fails (returns an error), a TYPO3 Errorlog-Message will be written. The error-result will be assigned to the view. So it can be handled in the HTML-View if wanted. If the call is successful, the complete data array is assigned to the HTML-View. So the frontend-developer can handle the whole or needed data for his needs. The API returns the property “report_id”. This must be stored (updated) to the TYPO3 record.

API call

See the official documentation how to use the token:


Helpful Links to the official documentation, related to this Extension:

Eter (not needed):



The Extension exists of one Plugin. Plugins are to be used in the TYPO3-Frontend.

The TYPO3-Plugin is showing the reports from TYPO3 and DEQAR in the frontend. If a report exists in both systems, the data from TYPO3 is used. It can be included on one or more pages.

Plugin Settings

The list view shows all records from a given time-range. The time range is configurable in the Plugin-Settings (Flexform). Therefore are two settings:

  • load_from (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • load_until (YYYY-MM-DD)

If load_from is empty, then no start-date is used. All files from the beginning will be shown.

If load_until is empty, the current day is used. All files until today will be shown.

List view

The plugin shows a list of all reports of the given time-range. The reports are sorted by:

  • decision (1,2,3,4)
  • institutions alphabetically
  • valid_from

There is no possibility to search, filter, pagination and sort by hand.

The reports are filtered by the extension-setting “agency” (if set).


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