A Discord bot made by the Gezou for making the coding experience easier for beginners.
- Command handler w/ aliases
- Event handler
- Ready event with ASCII table with commands
- Ping command and user-friendly help command.
- Node.js & NPM
- Basic knowledge of Node.js
- Git
First, we clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/VizuDev/discord.js-sample-bot.git
Once it's cloned, just install the dependencies by using:
$ npm install
Now, the real fun starts.
You will need to check every file to have an idea on what to change, but here are some first steps:
- Go to the config.json file and modify the token and the prefix (if you don't know how to get your bot's token, just follow this tutorial).
- Go to the package.json file and modify the project's name, the version and anything else you want.
- Go to the final line of the src/index.js file and modify the client.setActivity line with the activity (status) you would like the bot to have.
Just run node src/index.js
, and no error should appear.
If there is any error, start a new issue or join our support server: