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Cartesian Biweekly 2020 11 10

Enrique G. Paredes edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 1 revision

2020/11/10 GT4Py bi-weekly

Action Points

[ ] @Johann D Will make a GDP for looping
[x] @Johann D Will update Regions GDP with new implementation
[ ] @Oli F @Rhea G will propose changes to the quickstart based on fv3 and student experience
- Update 10.11.2020: Unfortunately no progress here. Currently all of our attention is on preparing the 3-day DSL workshop next week.

Review of action points of last meeting:

[x] Vulcan - does only removing sync in the stencil wrapper solve the problem?
Some tests passed, others did not (where numpy and cupy code linked stencils). Is a viable approach.
[x] @Eddie D Will request new reviews for PRs reviewed by Linus (who is away ATM)
[x] @Johann D Will make region temporary sizing change to regions implementation

Discussion Points

Vulcan Update

Workshop been the Vulcan focus, so not much has happened in the last week, nor will happen in the next week.

Asynchronous stencil launches follow-up

Requires first removing or adding syncs for numpy and cupy code between stencil calls.


Expanded parameters - @Eddie D will write a GDP for this

def stencil(field_in: Field, fields: Tuple[Field, ...], *tracers: Field):  
gtscript.stencil(stencil, )  

Local iterations - @Johann D will write a GDP for this (only compile-time int range for now)

def stencil(field_in: Field, fields: Tuple[Field, ...], *tracers: Field):  
  from __externals__ import nord  
  with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):  
    for n in range(nord):  
      # do something in a loop  

Lower dimensional fields

Putting in the dycore. PR is here:

Update on duck storage implementation

GDP is finalized. Implementation will finish up in the next few weeks.

Horizontal Restricted Computation

Walkthrough series of PRs.
Need to update GDP.

Eve update

Kick-off meeting on Monday.
Goal: GTIR to code-generation for numpy and GT C++ backends (no CUDA)

Notebook is here: